Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Expedition Leader
interesting article

Study shows long-term 9/11 stress in lower Manhattan By Claudia Parsons
Fri Jun 13, 8:22 AM ET

One in eight people who lived near the World Trade Center at the time of the September 11 attacks in 2001 were still suffering post traumatic stress disorder two to three years later, a new study indicated on Friday.

The study, based on a 2003-2004 survey of 11,000 lower Manhattan residents, showed low-income and less educated people were more prone to PTSD, as were divorced people, with around one in five in those groups reporting symptoms.

Authors of the study called for further monitoring of PTSD victims from the neighborhood and the city urged them to take advantage of free mental health services.

The condition is an anxiety disorder sparked by traumatic experiences of intense fear, horror or hopelessness. Symptoms include irritability or anger, sleep difficulties, trouble concentrating, extreme vigilance, flashbacks and nightmares.

The New York City health department, which conducted the study, said it was the first to measure the attack's long-term effect on the mental health of the community.

It said it was now analyzing the results of a follow-up survey conducted six years after the 9/11 attacks and would release new health findings in the coming months.

The study published on Friday in the Journal of Traumatic Stress showed 12.6 percent of all respondents suffered PTSD in 2003-2004. Women were more likely to have PTSD, at 15 percent, compared to 10 percent of men.

One in five African Americans and nearly one in four Hispanics suffered PTSD, it showed, compared to 10.7 percent of white residents. People earning less than $25,000 a year showed a rate of nearly 20 percent.

Residents who were injured in the attacks were most likely to be still suffering PTSD two or three years later, at 38 percent. Others most affected included those who witnessed violent deaths and those caught in the dust cloud after the towers collapsed -- around 17 percent in each case.

The study cited figures from previous studies of the general population of the city showing that 8 percent of Manhattan residents reported symptoms of PTSD at five to eight weeks after the attacks, a rate that fell to 2 percent at four months and less than 1 percent at six months.

The new study showed that residents of lower Manhattan were more likely to be dealing with psychological problems from the attacks even two or three years later than the wider population of New York at six months after the attacks.

It said one potential explanation was those living in the area had constant reminders of the attack and more disruption to their daily routine. Many may have also been evacuated from their homes immediately after the attacks.

"We therefore believe these residents require more in-depth mental health monitoring, independent of the larger metropolitan area," the authors of the study wrote.


Hi, I just read this thread crawling around on the board and I wanted to say THANK YOU to all the people on here involved in public service, that can lead to PTSD. I can only speak for myself but you know al least one person out there is extremely apreciative off the hard work and the fact you lay your life on the line for us "civies" every day. Not only your life and death but your life as a human being dealing with unimaginable sites and experiences.

I also want to make sure to include those in the armed forces. I give a standing ovation to all you and your service.





Thank you for your support. I didn't get into Law Enforcement to get thanks or anything, I just thought it would be cool to wear a uniform, carry a gun and drive fast.:jumping: The academy staff briefly touched on the stress aspect of the job during the first week but I dont think they talked for more than 3 or 4 minutes about it. I know and understand that the hireing agency needs to make sure that the new hires can handle stressful situations but they also need to see to it that the people they hire are treated as people. My 21 weeks in the Police Academy were some of the best times in my life. As much as I enjoyed it it did not prepare me for "mans inhumanity to man". I could only tough it out so long before I became damaged.

I talked to an investigator today who was medically retired......I was actually jealous that he was in a motor vehicle accident. I realize how stupid that sounds.........I dont wish injury on anyone. I just am so fed up with being damaged goods. I try so hard to focus my thoughts and end up forgetting to do the easiest tasks. I do ok on some things and fall flat on my face on others.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.......This forum is what I look forward to when I get down and it helps me back up again. THANK YOU ALL!!



Heretic Car Camper
....I try so hard to focus my thoughts and end up forgetting to do the easiest tasks. I do ok on some things and fall flat on my face on others.
Hell, that's my normal day! Mom could never understand why I can remember minute detail trivia about some esoteric vehicle/firearm/bicycle/etc., but couldn't consistently (& still don't) remember to set the trash out on Thursdays.
I've found that my life is much nicer to live if I just don't sweat things like forgetting to take the trash out. Why worry about it, they'll come by again next week.
People, particularly around here, are in such a rush to get things done that they're not really living - they're existing. They're the cog that Bob Segar sings about.

Slow down, enjoy what you've got, don't sweat the small stuff.


We made it out to Victorville just fine, thank you. Business was WAY down this year. I'm guessing we did about 33% of a normal year. This was my first year of tent camping. The tent-cot was.....OK at best. Very bulky to pack away. Very small when set up. I think my biggest gripe was that there is no way to vent the tent and retain some privacy. Our breath condenced quite badly and we woke up to a drippy roof.

The people at the event were just as nice as can be, they always have been. The music was good the food was good the weather was crazy hot in the daytime and almost too cool at night. Between the heat of the day and my weakness from last years heart attack, I had a very hard time of it.

I know that I need to go out and find some kind of a job but I just dont know if I'm hireable to an employer. I'll just keep banging away at it and resolve to be as honest as I know how with potential employers. I cant ask any less of myself.



For those who care........................ I have actually had three good days in a row!!:sunflower Not just 'ok' not just 'not bad' but good. Thank you for your support and prayers. I have some more hurdles to clear of course. Carrie has her next court date on Monday, we still will need your prayers. I know I need her to take care of me. The things I do that feel like alot really dont add up to much. I paid a bill the other day and felt like I had accomplished a great deal.



Well-known member
Hang in there and keep moving forward in a positive manner. Sending best thoughts and wishes for the court date on Monday. :sunflower


Don't look at it like these little things I do don't add up to much, apparently they do you've had three good days in a row. I'm so stoked for you, good luck on monday! :victory:


Tomorrow is a big day for us, We are both hopeful, nervous and scared. The court system will be reviewing her conditions of release. I wish I could share some of the details but I would be ill-advised to do so. I will say this tho.....She wants to come home! I need her to be home so that I can begin getting better. She deserves to have a fully functional husband. I want/need to take care of her.

Those of you who pray......yes please! I need to be strong and able to hold myself together in court.



Well-known member
Wishing for the very best to you and your wife. Good luck.

Remember, you can not control what will happen in life, you can only control your reaction to the situation. Even if things don't go as well as you hope, your reaction will be the difference on how you move forward.

Stay strong. :)

Scenic WonderRunner

I'll be praying for you....Rex!

Not to take away from this thread............and not wanting to start a new one!

I think I currently qualify for PTSD!

I recently came home to this!

Now tell me..........

Why would somebody go through the trouble of cutting off my garage door lock....... and then install their own lock.........and lock it in the Open position>?!!!!!!

Lucky thing there are multiple locks on the they did Not get in!

Now I'm Locked and Loaded........and checking Every Sound around the house! Not a fun way to live!

I'm even looking at Live Wire Fence transformers at Home Depot! That would give them a Jolt!

Anyone have any insight as to why?




I dont know what to say.....The only time I have ever seen a Locked open situation was with a rental storage unit. Is the damage behind the new lock new? Was the door damaged when your lock was cut off? Is the Police Department helping at all? Insurance investigator? I'm at a loss......


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