A bit of an update
I haven't posted anything on this thread in a few days because I hadn't anything encouraging to share............or did I? On Friday I was able to get together with Scott Brady and his beautiful wife Stephanie. We met at a local 'watering hole' and enjoyed some great conversation and an iced tea.
This forum is fantastic and the support that I have received is awsome but it's not the same as being in the same room with living breathing smiling supportive people. We talked about everything from getting a job, church attendence, tire sizes, movies, tears, magazines, on-line forums (both this one and the bad ones) and spent a couple of hours just being friends. After a short while, Chris (bajataco) showed up and joined in. Scott and Stephanie had a date night planned so after our good byes,(and a very welcome and totally unexpected $ gesture), Chris and I had dinner and a stroll around the Courthouse Square.
So much of the time I feel like I am so inarticulate, both in writing and verbally. I just wanted to offer up my public thanks for the folks that own-run-lead this forum. I'm not trying to make this into a 'hero worship' kind of thing, just attempting to let people who haven't met them know, that the quality you see on this forum and also in the pages of Overland Journal is a direct result of quality people.
On the PTSD front......I have some OK days and some horribly black days (evenings mostly). I have an appointment at The Guidence Clinic (county mental health dept) to-morrow morning and I hope that goes well. Our daughter (stray, employee, great family friend) said she noticed that I have gone noticably downhill. While that is NOT good news, I do find myself finally being able to get somethings done. I went out looking for a job last week and will continue this week as well. Those of you that have suffered (are suffering) with depression know about the felling of paralysis; The feeling that you just CANT get up and get even the simpilist thing done. That feeling is still there but I am beginning to tough it out and collapse in a heap after its done instead of staying put and dreading the collapse.
To those of you offering well wishes and suggestions via PMs, Thank you! I'll give you a beer or a hug or what ever when we meet up.
Untill the next time