Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Wow!!! Ive been reading the forums here for about a month. drooling over all the nice rigs, trailers, expeditions and have been extremely jealous. I finally got the nerve to post here

I stumbled across this topic and was blown away! I had no idea that people felt the same as I do.

Ive always been very laid back easy going, quick to laugh and have fun. I was also raised in the John Wayne style, "suck it up your ok" But over the years last 8-10 i have become ALOT more serious. Was in the Oregon Army Nat. Guard went on a deployment. Came back and that is where things started to change. I didn't know what was changing or why but things were different. Started drinking more than I should have. then Sept. 22, 2007 I was in a pretty bad car accident ( see link ) and all of my photos injury wise I was pretty worked over, almost lost my right foot got some painful hardware in there now, broke my back L1 and L2, slight tear in the right rotator cuff, nerve dmg from the seat belt on my left thigh, nerve dmg/ numbness bad weakness on my left arm. all of those hopefully will heal up. I really hope so, but got a nagging feeling that ill have to endure something (pain, numbness etc etc) for the rest of my life but the thing that has come to light in the last few months was the TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury.

I had no idea that it was there,, i knew i got bonked in the head pretty good but wow, it explains alot. All of those symptoms listed on the site above yes I have them still.

I was unconscious about 45 mins, I came to, and called my boss to send help (we work alone for 12 hours at night) took about 1/2 hour for paramedics to show up, (secure facility and they had to find me (850 acres) another 45 minutes for the EMT's to get me out, my good* foot was pinned under the brake pedal.

spent 7 days in the hospital, then about a week after being home my sleep started to get bad, nightmares just "not tired" (of course im still exhausted) and certain situations I get the feeling of being "trapped" I find i push my way out (crowded areas) always looking for a exit. One of the many docs ive seen that I defiantly have PTSD and I know for a fact that I have some form of depression. haven't seen a doc for that yet, they want to take 1 thing at a time injury wise.

Ive been a Mr. mom since my daughter was born. longest I was away from her is when I went to Japan for 2 weeks. She is my life, and another reason why I don't want to take a sleeping aid. (too groggy to wake up)

I want to say thank you to all of you, I know im very new here, but thanks for reading it does help to talk about it. and everyone that has posted here YOUR NOT ALONE! I thought I was, but after reading this topic I know im not!

boy ive read and reread this post even before I "posted" it and if i ramble on or change subjects please forgive me. My "head" is kinda weird. I am at the point where I know there is probably alot more to tell / get off my chest but the thoughts in the ole noggin seem to be a bit scrambled tonite. Ill try and post more tomorrow.
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Dredzilla said:
injury wise I was pretty worked over, almost lost my right foot got some painful hardware in there now, broke my back L1 and L2, slight tear in the right rotator cuff, nerve dmg from the seat belt on my left thigh, nerve dmg/ numbness bad weakness on my left arm. all of those hopefully will heal up.

When I was driving in New Zealand, I rolled my van and broke two legs, fractured five ribs, punctured one lung, had a hemothorax (bleeding into chest) fractured shoulder blade, and a dislocated knee cap. I spent nine days in the ICU, recieved three units of blood, and had three surgeries and two months in the hospital. It took nearly six months of therapy to be able to bend my right knee ninety degrees.

I mention all this to say that things eventually got back to nearly normal - not perfect - but relatively normal. The metal hardware in both legs caused discomfort, but one year after the accident we took the metal out, and that discomfort largely disappeared. I ended up with a right shoulder drop and permanent paresthesia/numbness in the fourth and fifth finger tips on the right hand - an irritating reminder of the accident but something that I can live with. I now walk normally and I pretty much have a full range of motion of my limbs.

Nerve damage heals at a rate of about a millimeter a day. These types of injuries take time to heal and require a lot of patience, but there is hope.

Keep on trucking because the odds for recovery are in your favor because you are young.


I'm back after a short set back. My Broadband card provider spoke with a forked tounge and even when I made the payment when asked, it was shut off and I had to make a second identical payment in order to get access to the web. I haven't dealt with finances since I was retired from the Sheriffs office (Carrie always handles things) so I'm having to relearn how to do the "grown-up" things. I was on the phone with them for over an hour trying to do the right thing and it seemed like every time I made a little progress I would come up against another brick wall. I was absolutely exhausted when I got home. AOL will not allow me to make a payment without Carries permission so I have to learn how to use Internet Explorer. I know that for some of you that would be a 'no-brainer' but its just another stressor to deal with. I cant understand why AOL would not want a customer to pay on an account. They said that they are going to send a form for her to fill out and have me send it back. More delays........

My biggest difficulty is the lack of face to face human contact. This forum and a few phone calls are a huge help but the human element is still missing to a great extent. I am starting to attend church again but the whole "church shopping" process is difficult.

Carrie phoned the other day and it was sooooo good to hear her voice. Unfortunately, it was one of my not good days and I broke down in tears when I was talking to her. She needs me to be strong and encouraging to her during her incarceration and I blew it. I am on the outside with all the freedom in the world and yet I cant hold it together for a 20 minute phone call. I really felt like I let her down, I know I was disappointed in myself. My family tries to encourage me but I still crave that human contact.

Carries next court date is coming up on the 23rd and they will be addressing her release conditions. Please pray for a reduction in her bail, she is not a flight risk.



This should be in the PTSD thread

Yesterday was a good day! I went to church went to lunch and did some easy wheelin'. This morning I got out of bed and while I started out OK.....I feel like a shattered glass thrown on the floor. I have no idea what may have triggered it today but Its not good. I phoned the crisis line from the guidence clinic but they dont start answering the phone until 1830 or so. My thought processes are not clear and I'm in pain. It's just the plain old regular 'suffering from depression' pain. I dont think I've suffered a new injury. My legs and head are covered with bites from those pesky flies we were afflicted with all day. The hydracortizone cream doesn't seem to be helping. Niether does Benadryl cream.

I was so distraught earlier that I had to pull the truck to the side of the road and call a friend to have him pray for me.....I didn't think I could safely drive home. I feel like I'm going down hill and I'm more than a little bit scared. I dont know what I'm scared of but I am fearful. I hate being alone, but I hate interuppting other who have their lives together also. I wish I knew what to do.....




You are doing the right thing by starting with prayer. You are never alone, and you know that fact in your head, or you would not pray. I think you need to accept it in your heart.

Posting here (and elsewhere) allows people you don't know (or don't know well) to pray for you too. I'll be praying for you, and I have no doubt others will too, even if they don't post up.

Please check with the pharmacist regarding hydrocortizone and benedryl and any meds you are on, too.

God Bless,

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Expedition Leader

we all hope and want to help you through your present issue, wether through prayer or just by being a group of people to listen and support.

Life brings many challenges along the way both mental and physical, recognising the problems is usually half the battle, seeking help and your 3/4's there, hang in there and things will improve

bites......well check these flea bites out..venezuelan style:yikes:

I use raw aloe direct from the plant to cool and take away the itching, available from your local garden center.....



I found some Aloe Vera gel in the medicine cabinet this morning. It does seem to help some, but it is still pretty hard to take. I have a 7 hour drive to do on Thursday and then about a two hour set up to get ready for a weekend gig. I sure hope I'm feeling better by then. Any of you in the Southern California area, We will be at the Mohave Narrows, in Victorville, this weekend for the Huck Finn Bluegrass Festival. (shameless plug) By way of tying that plug into this thread, it would be good to see some like minded people there. Puting faces with screen-names is helpful to me.



Rexsname said:
I found some Aloe Vera gel in the medicine cabinet this morning. It does seem to help some, but it is still pretty hard to take. I have a 7 hour drive to do on Thursday and then about a two hour set up to get ready for a weekend gig. I sure hope I'm feeling better by then. Any of you in the Southern California area, We will be at the Mohave Narrows, in Victorville, this weekend for the Huck Finn Bluegrass Festival. (shameless plug) By way of tying that plug into this thread, it would be good to see some like minded people there. Puting faces with screen-names is helpful to me.


if youll be around saturday morning ill be heading thru that way on my way to vegas, lil sisters 21st bday. maybe get a cup of coffee or somethin.

on another note, went to my therapist today, most people dont realize how hard it is to answer questions when all you want to do is cry because youre thinking about the answer to said question....


I'll be there, It runs from Friday till Sunday evening. We'll tear down, pack up and head back to Arizona after we get done. I'll spend as much time with you as I can but I hope we will be busy. :wavey: I'm guessing that attendence will be down somewhat but I'm hopeing for the best. Fortunately, there are alot of grandparents there to spoil the grandkids. Grandparents are the best customers a facepainter can have!!!

I can totally relate to crying during the questions.......There were some of the questions that broke me up so quickly I almost didn't remember what she was asking. I cant figure out how some questions were a big nothing to answer and others were........... devastating. Were you as wiped out and exhausted as I was when you got done? I was shaking and everything...

It is plainly evident to me that niether of us are alone in our struggle. The support and prayers given by the members of this forum have certainly helped me and have given me the encouragement I need to struggle toward making good choices and away from self destructive behaviour.



Expedition Leader
Kellymoe:I hope ya get feeling better. It's wierd, it takes about a week for the really gnarly stuff to sink in for me. Basicly in our line of work, there's no avoiding this kind of thing. We see alot and have to make our day dealing with all the things that people aren't ready to deal with. I'm not trying to sound callous mate, I just can't explain it and I can't seem to beat it. What's worse is that the majority of us in EMS are hard headed people to begin with and we don't want to admit that were literaly having what most people would call an emotional breakdown from time to time. PTSD is a real thing, buti prefer to just call it what it is: SHOCK. hypo volemic, traumatic whatever you want to call it, seeing and doing what we do can put the human body into shock. Hell, they're calling the night shift carcinogenic now...

I'm not into god or religion, so I can't help you there, but whatever helps you feel better and be better, more power to ya.




Expedition Leader
Rexsname said:
Any of you in the Southern California area, We will be at the Mohave Narrows, in Victorville, this weekend for the Huck Finn Bluegrass Festival. (shameless plug) By way of tying that plug into this thread, it would be good to see some like minded people there. Puting faces with screen-names is helpful to me.

Let me know if you ever make it up to the NorCal area.

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