Got stuck on a trail near campus, i was bottomed out in some ruts, not sure if they were there or if i dug myself in. I thought it was a puddle and was just a big watery mud bog, front wheels sank right in and i couldnt pull them out with the rears, put wood under all 4 wheels and tried digging, it was bad muck.
Buddy came with 4x4 tacoma and ripped his bumper apart on the first pull, 6 tries later i was still stuck and now diff was on the ground and all wheels spun at idle in drive lol.
coughed up $250 for a 4x4 tow, lifted Z71 with 35s and a boat lifting strap got me out after some tugging, expensive but didnt have much choice, it was 55 degrees out so i built a few fires and made dinner while out there for 5 hours.
On the bright side i got these 6 Hella 500s for $120 on craigslist, gotta figure out how to mount them all on my roof rack asap
Buddy came with 4x4 tacoma and ripped his bumper apart on the first pull, 6 tries later i was still stuck and now diff was on the ground and all wheels spun at idle in drive lol.
coughed up $250 for a 4x4 tow, lifted Z71 with 35s and a boat lifting strap got me out after some tugging, expensive but didnt have much choice, it was 55 degrees out so i built a few fires and made dinner while out there for 5 hours.
On the bright side i got these 6 Hella 500s for $120 on craigslist, gotta figure out how to mount them all on my roof rack asap