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We never get out with anybody. No one wants to scratch thier truck.

Facepalm, shake my head, etc etc. ;) Just keep telling them there's a great full service car wash and detail shop right around the next turn! Or was it the next one? Maybe the one after that... :)
We never get out with anybody. No one wants to scratch thier truck.
If you'd like some company just say the word.
We're pretty low key.

Sounds like an idea! Our situation is that my wife will be attending a business meeting in Logan, UT in the middle of whatever week they plan (sounds like second week of August as of tonight). So we'd leave Denton, TX (DFW) and I'm planning to drive straight through to El Malpais NM and camp along their chain of craters back country route. Then visit the big tubes area of El Malpais. Then aim for either Canyon de Chelly or Moab. After that we'd head to SLC to spend a couple days with some friends before heading to Logan. Then we're going up to Yellowstone then down to Jackson- friend there. We'll start our way home via CDT or hwy and I'd like to go to the Silverton and Telluride area to explore those trails.... I havent been in that corner yet. Afterwards, I'd like to hit northern NM again... We have the better part of a couple weeks to do this.... We'll be doing scenic wheeling, for the most part, nothing difficult.


Sounds like you have a nice trip planned. Not alot PLANNED.
We have house guests coming in August, not sure when yet but we would love to meet up with you along the way.
My wife and I have always wanted to go up through El Malpais and go up to Antalope Canyon. Then make are way over to the Wave.
We probably would not be able to go up to Moab that time of year(very buisy with work) but we could cut over to Durango and hang out at the tubes in Pagosa Springs.
I'll find out when our company is coming and let you know.
If not up matbe when your headed home.:drool:
If I dont get out of town my head is going to EXPLODE.
Sounds like you have a nice trip planned. Not alot PLANNED.
We have house guests coming in August, not sure when yet but we would love to meet up with you along the way.
My wife and I have always wanted to go up through El Malpais and go up to Antalope Canyon. Then make are way over to the Wave.
We probably would not be able to go up to Moab that time of year(very buisy with work) but we could cut over to Durango and hang out at the tubes in Pagosa Springs.
I'll find out when our company is coming and let you know.
If not up matbe when your headed home.:drool:
If I dont get out of town my head is going to EXPLODE.

Yeah, I think we're going to do a trip where we plan our activities one day at a time. Stop at visitors centers along the way, etc. I have the rough idea outlined above... but that's about it so far.

I wanted to do canyonlands, but I'm afraid of the heat in August since our youngest daughter will be ~17 months and oldest is 7 years, so excessive heat is a bit of a worry.


Mountain Warrior
That looks really good! I did a little trim painting myself last weekend. Painted my bumpers and window trim on the passenger side



great looking gen 1.. makes me miss mine.

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