Thanks to another photog, I was able to pose with my Montero.
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Looks friggin awesome cnutco! I love seeing gen 3 Mods!
This pic was right after I got my 2 inch OME lift kit and rear bumper guard placed. I still have stock Michellen LTX's the dealership had on. Not changing the tires yet, since they still have a lot more miles to go and plus, I heard they have good ratings on mud, sand, snow, and off road travel.
I haven't done the exact height measurement before and after the kit install, but looking at the tire wells.. man I'm impressed!
Getting an alignment now and I'm off to an solo expo tomorrow! (granted, the roads are open)
Realistically that guard isnt going to do a ton as far as keeping the bumping protected from underneath. I know it mounts to the two hitch mounts but if you are coming down off a ledge or a dune then the rear is going to hit the bumper and rip off imo. I would rather go without it and than inflict more damage or rip that AND the bumper off. Kinda like all those bush guards really arent that sturdy...just for aesthetics. A guy on the Pajero Auz forum built an actual skid plate that utilized those mounting points and was way more functional for that purpose....Just my .02