Why thank you,I mainly use it for trips to the drive thru and rolling coal on joggers,they think I'm a ********,but all the local kids think I'm cool :sombrero:
JUst kidding, I built it to my needs really,has bike storage and fishing storage in the back,recovery gear stored under the false floor,and some creature comforts. I put the 35s on it as I had 31s,but my friends LR on 33s has tiny little diffs compared to my paj,so I was always getting hung up,with the 35s it has the same clearance,so we've well matched machines. Snorkel is because I'm like a 5 year old whenever I see water,and I need to drive through it,light bar is due to the amount of stupid animals wander the road at night,and the bumper was cheap as hell,so I couldnt say no
How's the mk1 cope with the bfgs? Tempted to go for them on mine for daily duties,but don't want to take a big performance hit. New colour looks sweet too,Japanese spec brown window tint would make it look genuine for the period it's from,but it makes the sky look a funny colour once you get out.