Well the Raptor Liner finally happened today.
As everyone always says, it's lots of hours of prep. Lots. Here's about how things looked prior to spraying.
The last thing I masked was the door opening. I covered stuff inside in case my masking of the slide-up gap wasn't perfect (which was a bit of a PITA). I used the gun included with the Raptor Liner kit that screws directly to the bottles. Compressor is a cheap 5-gallon Craftsman unit. Got tint from my local Sherwin Williams Automotive store that was the closest match I could find to my new canvas material. Mixed the hardener, tint, and some urethane thinner directly in the bottle by shaking. It all worked pretty well and didn't make too much of a mess. Results?
I think I'm pretty happy. Won't know for sure about coverage until I get it into the sunlight. You can see how tight the conditions are. I sprayed the roof with the garage door closed first and just did one full-coverage coat so I could open the door and get some air. For the rest of it I did a pretty light first coat then a second about 50min later (as recommended). Here's what the texture looks like:
I would have liked less texture but I think this would have required shooting with the gun further away than I could get it within the close confines on the one side. But, I think it looks pretty good. Yes, much, much better than the results I got rolling it on. Glad it worked, was nervous about this part of the project.
Next up is insulation, which I think I have a plan for now. Then re-install solar panel, lifters, etc. and then a sewing project. I think this will officially be Pro-Rig v2.1 when I'm done