When you operate these vents papawheely have you got other vents lower down to draw in fresh air? Otherwise they'll suck in air through seals etc. as they'll need to draw air from somewhere. Which is an issue if you are using them whilst driving or in a dusty environment. Specially on dusty roads where they will be quite good at sucking in dust through door and window seals. I suppose you could just leave a window open a crack but then there might be associated security issues.
I need to fire them all up and see how much they draw. I'm sure these little fans aren't going to suck the walls in, lol. They will probably not be running unless I'm stopped but some type of filtered opening could be used.
'Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch'? I don't thing that'll leak.
a flat wall-mounted furnace filter on the wall would be a good solution for that. On the outside, say behind the cab. Drop in from the top. Like the side panel on a swamp cooler. In a common cheaply-available size, like 20x24.
\btw, when you mount the computer fans, the air comes out the side the label is on.
\\Used to mess with computer case modding many years ago, had some fun with fans
If it's on an RV, you have to slather it in goop. The parts are junk, it's the goop that matters. Thanks for the fan direction info, I was wondering about that. :ylsmoke: