Project BigB... a 1977 Dodge Van 6x4!

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  • Can't quite get ya head around it...

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Its been a busy week...
Been getting the GF's "New" 98 Range Rover tweaked into daily use readiness.
Tomorrow, I am going out to fix these dang brakes!
I have 2 new rear hoses and a gallon of fluid.
I am convinced the problem is the proportioning valve stuck over blocking the rear fluid passage, but am prepped to fix the hoses. Took me a week of local searches to find them, and cost $35 each!
Got a new oil presseure sender too!

I finally found some wheels that will work on the front after my mess up. Not Stonecrushers, but they look similar enough until I find what I want.


Went over on Tuesday.
Had the tires taken off the Stonecrushers and put on the new wheels.
The fitted fine, and the clearances are just great for now!
Washed the girl down and got a good chunk of the crap off the top, but didnt have a ladder to reach the A/C and extended roof section.
I didnt put the caps on the front wheels, not did I rememeber to put the caps on the rear wheels on the drivers side... it looks odd, and the front wheels look bigger diameter for some reason..
Here are some pics..






In this pic, you can see that the front wheel looks more balanced, and does not stick out like the 10" wide rear ones did when I tried them.


So, with the wheels on, I took her for a drive!
Only on the private dirt road, but did about 2 miles!
The dog house was off, so it was a little noisey, but if felt good!
The brakes are still giving me problems, The fronts lock up easy and the rears dont seem to be doing any work...
So I need to work on them more before I am confident to drive her home.

The new oil pressure sender did the trick and the factory gauge is now reading what the test gauge said... 80psi cold at idle, and 50+ hot at idle!
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Yes, I was happy about the oil pressure too!
It was late, and as you can see the sun was going down, so I think it will look better in the full sun!
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Thanks guys,
The 2 links are same make, but different outputs.. the 1.6gpm unit is $185 on ebay with free shipping. I think that one would work good.


Might be the master cylinder

My 85 E250 just lost it's brakes the other day. Pedal to the floor, then enough front brake to nurse it home. No fluid leaks anywhere. I replaced the Master cylinder for $40 and flushed the fluid. Everything is back to normal. Your master cylinder may have lost its rear seal. (unless you replaced it and I did not see it in the thread).


My 85 E250 just lost it's brakes the other day. Pedal to the floor, then enough front brake to nurse it home. No fluid leaks anywhere. I replaced the Master cylinder for $40 and flushed the fluid. Everything is back to normal. Your master cylinder may have lost its rear seal. (unless you replaced it and I did not see it in the thread).

you will need to change your booster soon too...brake fluid is corrosive to the rubber bladder inside and will eat it up!!


Its been a crazy few weeks...
1/ Lost my job...
2/ One son blew the engine in his Jeep, so pulled that out.. and have been working on a stroker kit... 4.0 to 4.6!
3/ Other son blew a transmission seal on his Mercedes 300TE... pulled that out and fixed that... done!
4/ Girlfriends Range Rover Suspension threw a code, so been diagnosing that... height sensor popped..
On top of that I have had a bunch of Family commitments... I am on the Outer Banks in NC for a week!
Stay tuned... updates coming!

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