It's been a while since I have posted up so I thought I would get some updates posted.
Well its been a couple months with the sliders and they have been awesome. They work great for everything they were designed for. stepping on, bouncing off, lifting and good old protection. and yes sliding!

However... One thing I did not anticipate (well I did a little but not this much) was the amount of road noise and vibration transferred to the body. I had expected some but this is frankly annoying as hell!:eek1:
So I will remove the frame mounted hing bushing and in place put a "L" plate that bolts onto the side and underneath the frame and weld the 2x2" legs to that and remove the pinch seam bolts. It will then float their like a normal Frame mounted slider/step.
I would not call it a failure, just a learning experience. and I wont loose much in cost rebuilding the frame mounts.