Project Serenity: an 08 Tacoma DC overland build-up


I think the long gun mounts you're referring to are the Pelican cases he mounted to the roof rack on top of the truck, not inside the cab (see post #69 of this thread). I've always thought an interior overhead storage system was a cool idea though.

In his original post....

Planned Future Mods:
- Have the grill surround re-painted by a pro! (since our homejob is not holding up to the gravel very well)
- Budbuilt skids,
- high clearance rear bumper (CBI?) with swingout spare holder, hi-lift mount, etc.
- re-do the rear suspension (again) once the rear bumper has been selected. I am thinking either Deaver or Dakar packs with 2.5 body shocks, Fox adjustable maybe..
- Yaesu 2m radio system
- aux. backup lights
- Big Sky Racks rifle rack
- Safari Snorkel...

So I went to the website and looked at what they had to offer -- they offer a in cab (and mounted to roof) long gun rack. Looks really nice but with not too much headroom was wondering if he had gone ahead with the plan - or if there was another one looming. This is the most awesome truck and I have "borrowed" several ideas - in fact I have many of the pages printed and highlighted!! Thanks for this - was just wondering about long gun storage with access....

Travel safe!!!

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Very inexpensive option to carry two with you while out exploring. I dont know if I'd leave them in there all the time, although where we live, there are numerous trucks that have them and I've never NOT seen the guns hanging in the racks...Year Round






re: rifle rack..

I have used Big Sky Racks for a long time, and they are great. I still have one of their dual gun ceiling mounted racks in my XJ, but it is in the rear cargo area so no issues with head room there. For the Tacoma I was originally thinking about mounting a couple of the ELS electronic racks behind the center console with the VMB vertical mount system, or maybe under the rear seat area with a FF flat surface mount. Both of those would be pretty involved install though, and not very high on the priority list.

lately I am thinking more likely I will just get one of the classic redneck racks like Pat mentioned, put it in the rear window for hunting/range trips and take it out when not needed.


re: rifle rack..

lately I am thinking more likely I will just get one of the classic redneck racks like Pat mentioned, put it in the rear window for hunting/range trips and take it out when not needed.

Thanks for that - and agree!! Will probably pick up an "easy rider rifle rack" soon and see how it works out. By the way - just ordered a set of the same type of rock lights you have - think they will be kind of useful and some fun!! Thanks for posting all this - I am definitely borrowing some ideas!! Looking REAL foward to that snorkel install - I want one so bad and wish they made one for Gen II Tacoma - not just Hilux - so no guessing or modification!!!

Happy wheeling!!


Great thread. Nice bolt face and Larue stickers:costumed-smiley-007

I'd kill for a set of those bed bars.


Any updates on the truck build? I saw a few pics in one of the trip reports that show the truck with a CBI high-clearance rear with swingout :drool: More pics / updates please!


re: rifle rack..

I have used Big Sky Racks for a long time, and they are great. I still have one of their dual gun ceiling mounted racks in my XJ, but it is in the rear cargo area so no issues with head room there. For the Tacoma I was originally thinking about mounting a couple of the ELS electronic racks behind the center console with the VMB vertical mount system, or maybe under the rear seat area with a FF flat surface mount. Both of those would be pretty involved install though, and not very high on the priority list.

I am a fan of my Big Sky rack - single non-locking - mounted in a 2011 Toyota Tacoma Access Cab. The mount is well beind the driver yet still very accessible. I like the idea of having a long gun in reach of the cab -- but given the rather small quarters found it difficult to do anything other than this. The "easy rider" look in the back window was just a bit too far for me -- but to each his/her own.

Great thread -- lots to learn!!!


Is that a stock mount holding the AR up like that or did you custom make it?

It is a Big Sky single non-locking roof mount. I like it a lot!! Got the idea from this thread -- had never heard of them before. I ordered the rack and took it to a place that fab'd what they needed for a clean install and it works great -- I think I could do pull ups on that thing!!

Thanks for looking - I learn so much from this forum/threads!!!


frozenground -

I have really enjoyed following your build and, as you might see, I have added some of your ideas to my truck. One of your ideas in your last section (add IR lighting...) got me thinking. I think we both are "outside the box" thinkers and the idea of adding IR lighting made sense to me with a FLIR unit. So I started looking and found this...

I think it would be very cool to have a FLIR unit installed and hooked up to my video display that my DVD/Nav system goes through in the dash (I have since talked to the place that did a lot of my work and they would be HAPPY to do it) and adding IR enhancement would be great. You also add a brake light cutout (something that used to be common on patrol cars until some forgetful officers!!) and I thought that would be great too - or a total light cutout.

Just thinking out loud here. Would be nice when traveling at night - especially in unfamiliar territory to have FLIR capability - especially for critters and/or zombies. So - I wondered if you did not have FLIR mentioned since you might have a portable (heads up) unit which would be better so you can have night vision capability when exiting the vehicle. If so - or anyone - do you know of a commercially available head mounted NVG unit that works well that is around $3k???

Thoughts appreciated and sorry for the length -- just trying to clarify thinking in my own mind as well -- awesome build and great thread!!!!!!!



Built, not bought!
I know jeep and Toyota peeps do not always see eye to eye, but this is the cleanest Taco I have ever seen. Outstanding job dude, very well thought out!! Great craftsmanship!! Can not wait to see what comes next!


snorkel install

Thanks for all the comments guys! Sorry I've been neglecting this thread, things got hectic over the summer with work and stuff.. Anyway, I'll get this all caught up with the recent mods :coffee:

Earlier this spring I finally mustered enough courage to cut a big hole in the fender and get the snorkel installed..






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