I finally had some time to install the OEM, AIS system. However, before I go into detail allow me to digress.
One aspect that I really enjoy with the Land Cruiser world is the amount of information, technical support and world wide vendors that are available to you. With support like "Ih8Mud, CruiserDan/Beno, and Dave S. @Japan 4x" one can easily kit his Cruiser with OEM parts that were not available to the U.S. domestic market.
It was nothing to have new OEM parts shipped from Japan and Australia to complete builds such as the aux. tank install. Complete with your choice of overhead console along with a choice of different factory gauges/options. It's really hard to argue with the fit, quality, design and engineering of OEM parts. Couple that with the amount of technical support available to Land Cruiser owners and it's a winning combination.
And now back to the world of Ford Super Duty trucks. The online support seems to be lacking when compared to other platforms. The info is out there, but I'm finding that you have to really dig for it vs. having a stand out source like I'm used to. It could just be me and my inability at finding the right "One." The perfect illustration is the Ford/Motorcraft AIS filter. I was able to find very little information regarding this system online. Most pics featured a thumbnail pic of the kit at best.
This kit is a complete kit, featuring a Donaldson filter element, battery tray, filter minder, filter housing, battery blanket, temperature sensor and OEM fasteners. Did I mention that its OEM and outflows the competition (From everything I have been able to find online).
The install took just under an hour, using common hand tools.
This is the stock air filter/battery box.
After removing four screws, an intake snorkel and a hose clamp, this is what is left of the stock system.
And a big hole.
The new AIS kit.
Thick bulb seal.
Element close up.
New Hardware provided with the kit.
Spring clip in one of the existing factory holes.
Filter housing and new intake snorkel to grill. Be sure to fit the snorkel to the housing BEFORE placing the assembly in the engine bay.
This is also a good time to check and see if your upper radiator hose goes around your serpentine belt, or through it. If it is routed inside the belt, you won't be able to service it in the field without removing the belt.
Provided battery blanket.