Holy crap! Did CR fall off the end of the earth?! Nah - just life getting in the way of fun. Sorry I've been away, but I'm back at it again!!
Sooooo - where did we leave off? Oh yeah, I had just finished adjusting the pinion height, backlash and tooth pattern. Let's backup a bit. I always like to measure and document stuff as I disassemble. Here are the existing numbers on the rearend as it sat with 200k miles on it.
The pinion had 2inlbs of preload and the ring gear had 0.011" of backlash. Not bad at all for 200k miles. The existing Pinion shim was 0.027" - we used that as a starting point with the new pinion.
Here are the iterations of my setup - in my chicken scratch. Haha. Notice at the top in red are the specs we are shooting for. BackLash: 0.006 - 0.010" and Pinion Preload: 20-35inlbs
I have 4 columns of data:
PIN = Pinion Shim Thickness
RG = Ring gear side carrier bearing shim thickness
NOSE = Nose side carrier bearing shim thickness
BL = Measured backlash
Basically, I keep playing with the shims until I get the best pattern I can while at the same time getting as close as possible to 0.006" BL. I like to setup new gear sets close to 0.006 because the BL will increase as the bearings and gears wear in.
Once we are happy with the setup, we press the new bearing onto the pinion shaft with the correct shim. Install the pinion seal and using a new nut and crush sleeve, tighten until we have 20-35inlbs of preload.
It can take upwards of 600ftlbs to crush the sleeve.
We turn the nut a bit and check the preload, then do it again. You have to sneak up on it. If you go too far, you have to start over with a new crush sleeve and nut.
Measure the rotational drag (as it is moving) - 35inlbs.
The RG and LSD cleaned up and installed for the final time. Tip - I struggled with the standard shims that came in the gear set "MasterKit". I ended up buying a set of Yukon Interlocking Super Shims. Genius design! Holds all the shims together and prevents damage to the fragile thin shims. WAY easier!
OK - I promise another update in less than 4 months. Hahah!