Tom- It's my daily driver here. Much less of a PITA than the ambo, but I still have to be concious of my surroundings and whatnot more than in a comparable sized truck. I will say that when I drive my work truck around I realize that people aren't staring at me. Getting lots of attention has become the new normal.
Long trips or having more than/even another person things get messy fast. I'm usually rocking an impressive gear pile/explosion. It is better since the door storage, but I am dying for a rear bumper gear box and cutting the floor out above the rear tire to make an extra storage box below the floor. The Ambo storage is missed here. That's so easy to keep things under control and take everything with multiple people.
I'd like to see someone do a quigley swap onto an already built camper off Craigslist. Supposedly it is a simple unbolt-bolt on type deal if you're within a few years. All the annoying parts of a U-Joint or other solid axel install are covered. Looks like you just swap the suspensions, transfer case/ tailshaft, fuel tanks, bleed the brakes and go.
There was a 2wd pop-up SMB that was begging for it here. Hope it went to a good owner.
From China with love. Hoping this little $500 unit holds up. If I get a few years out of it I will gladly drop another new one in. An Espar may or may not last that long for $1300. Still going around and around about dropping the tank or tapping a fuel line...
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