Queensland Caravan, Camping & Touring Holiday Show with Motorhome & Campervan Show


New member
Went and had a look this morning, the camping show truly is heaven on earth :drool:. Only problem is half the population of QLD seemed to be there and this is on a Thursday, the weekend is gonna be insane...

This is the carpark at 10:30am, the show is over yonder behind those buildings on the horizon. My advice don't get there within the first 2 hours of opening, as I heard some people limed up for 1.5 hours at the start. I left at 1:30pm and there was no line at all.

big crowds

'ultimate' independant suspension

a hybrid camper trailer/caravan, was pretty good




New member


action boat



mmmm in ter cool er

last but not least a couple of rigs from some mob up at yandina :D

my fave of the show, there I was dreamin' about owning one one day and a young couple were ordering one on the spot, recession? what recession :Wow1: Awesome stuff!


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
my fave of the show

Hey Mark, Thanks for the comments. That's really saying something with that list of exhibitors. Thanks for getting the ball rolling with the pics too. I can see I won't have time to even get a cup of coffee till a couple of hours before closing time on Tuesday. Just about to jump in the car and head down to Bris for the night to beat the morning traffic.

Did you notice the viewing platform in front of the little Scout in the pic? I said to the boss"Hey I'll come in on Saturday arvo and knock up a box to stand on so everyone can just look through the window". I was still working on it Tuesday lunchtime and used up all the scrap stainless I could scrounge. Talk about overkill. I'll just keep my mouth shut next time. Haha.

BTW What did you think of the MAN we had there?



New member
The MAN was massive, didn't really have too good a look at it to be honest as I was chatting to one of the guys there (Chris?) about Canters. But I was staring at the wheels and suspension and it was a little bit mesmerising.

Did I notice the platform? I stood on it! Was very good, had about 5 big blokes on it at once so don't know if the GVM was at or over limit but it handled it well :p.

And yes the scout was my fave at teh show by a mile for a lot of reasons. I like the thinking behind it. I like the materials used and the simplicity of the design, I think it is truly a case of form follows function...The KISS principle in the truest sense. I can't stand all the fancy superfluous crapola that every other motorhome and caravan maker seems to pack in to their designs. I just want something that is simple, practical and well designed, like the scout.

Only problem is I'll never be able to afford one, well not for a few years anyway, hmmm superannuation too far away! :coffeedrink:


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
I was chatting to one of the guys there (Chris?) about Canters.

Mark, Just spoke to Chris on the phone. He said to apologize to you profusely for not getting back to you. Said he went over to get the keys and was going to to open it up for you to go inside but got bailed up by people asking about the other truck and couldn't escape. So from him "sorry".

Those prices for the wheels would have been for Titans at the same price as they sell 'em for too. We don't usually put anything on top for those.

And there's plenty of cheaper options with the suspension too. That would have been for longer springs with the crossmembers all moved out to cater for the longer springs and probably dual Koni shock mounts etc., etc. , etc. Anyway, just come up one Saturday when it's not so hectic and you can get a better idea of exactly what will meet needs/budget/payload, etc. But ring first to make sure we're there.

Hey thanks again, Mark. See ya after the show. Be offline till then.
Regards John.


New member
oh geez, tell him no worries at all, i felt real bad for taking off without saying thanks! Had a call from the missus to meet her back at the front gate as our 3 yr old boy was chucking the mother of all wobblies, she'd had enough and where was I etc etc.

There were people coming at Chris from every direction and he was stuck inside the scout, with more and more people pouring in, it was a stampede! Tell him I meant to say thanks for the chat! Will definitely come up to see you guys. :victory:


Expedition Leader
Great photos! Keep them coming! The designs and quality
of the Australian manufacturers is amazing.


New member
Great photos! Keep them coming! The designs and quality
of the Australian manufacturers is amazing.

Yeah, I really only took a few pics in one tiny area of the show. Sure John will take a heap. Got a bit overwhelmed by it all really :drool:. Been going to the camping show for years, and this one is the biggest.

Brisbane and surrounds is the main production hub in Australia for outdoor recreation manufacturers, so there is an amazing array of quality toys on offer. You guys would love it!


oh geez, tell him no worries at all, i felt real bad for taking off without saying thanks! Had a call from the missus to meet her back at the front gate as our 3 yr old boy was chucking the mother of all wobblies, she'd had enough and where was I etc etc.

There were people coming at Chris from every direction and he was stuck inside the scout, with more and more people pouring in, it was a stampede! Tell him I meant to say thanks for the chat! Will definitely come up to see you guys. :victory:

Hey Mark. The trip up to the ATW workshop is well worth it. I went down to visit John there one Saturday and I was really impressed. They showed me around and were very helpful with all of my questions.

I am off to the show tomorrow. The camera is on charge as we speak.:wings:


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Yeah, I really only took a few pics in one tiny area of the show. Sure John will take a heap.

Yeah, pass the buck. Lol.

Actually Mickldo came around today and dragged me off for the last hour to take some pics. Was good to get his perspective on things too. Especially the alloy stuff. Man there is so much to see. Mick had been there all day and when we went back over the same ground together he said he just kept seeing new things that he had missed the first time round. No way you could see it all in a day. Not properly anyway. I'd need all week.

Got about 50 or so pics so far. But probably won't get a chance to post them all for a few more days. Shot this parked next to me in the carpark. Big chassis stretch. Bet it would've folded out like a Transformer too.




Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
just a sample

TVan. One of my favourite in this class, had the full range on display. Here's 2 of them I saw.


Full steel interiors, like a filing cabinet.



Why so tough?? Well this is what some nuts do with them. Can you believe it?



I just got back from show. What a huge day. I walked around the show until they kicked John and myself out after 6pm. Then I had the big drive home. I usually go to the show each year but this is by far the biggest one I have been to.

I took a heap of photos too but they will have to wait to the morning. I am way too tired now. Straight to bed for me now.


our 3 yr old boy was chucking the mother of all wobblies

First, I love this expression. Right up there with "farting sparks" in my book! :ylsmoke:

Second, thanks for the excellent pics. Some beautiful stuff being made in AU.

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