Ram 2500 XL for overland / expedition trips


Randy Ellis Design (RED) rock sliders showed up today. I was able to unbox them and take a preliminary look. I think it won't be very difficult to tie them into the body mounts on the frame creating a continuous surface from the door seal to the frame rail. The under body surface will be flat with the bottom of the cab/body line over to the frame rail and will bolt into place. I think its likely I will need to put Nut Inserts into the inside of the body so that I can build and bolt in a secondary support to both stiffen and add extra strength to the bottom(secondary) skid plate that will tie into the RED rock slider. I am considering building the secondary skid out of Aluminum, layered to 3/4 with a UHMW surface.

Packaging was good, box was not damaged and the sliders were very nice.

The sliders will take some cutting to get them to fit and look good with the AEV HighMark fender flares. I will deff. be cutting the ends and modifying them so they line up with the contour of the fender flares (with a small gap of course). I will be sure to take accurate measurements and good photos of the modified ends.


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I am really looking forward to this, these sliders have been on my want list for a while.

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They should be good. As far as being "high clearance" they will provide the best clearance possible, trade off will be they will be mounted in part to the body and when I'm done they will also be tied into the body mount on the frame. Some guys won't like it and would rather have frame mounted sliders, absolutely understand. I all but guarantee when Im done they will be as strong if not stronger than frame mounted sliders and I will save 3-5 inches of ground clearance.


Burrito Enthusiast
They should be good. As far as being "high clearance" they will provide the best clearance possible, trade off will be they will be mounted in part to the body and when I'm done they will also be tied into the body mount on the frame. Some guys won't like it because they dont understand physics and would rather have super heavy frame mounted sliders, absolutely understand. I all but guarantee when Im done they will be as strong if not stronger than frame mounted sliders and I will save 6-7 inches of ground clearance.



That would be awesome!!! I’m looking at a custom flatbed when I order mine doing the same.

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This truck is amazing! Do you happen to have a complete build list of what you have put on it so I can keep up easier?

I don't, but I could I guess.

2017 RAM 2500
AEV 3" dual sport lift with 37-40 inch tire kit.
AEV HighMark Fender flares
AEV Front Bumper
PSC Hydro Assist stearing
WARN 6.5 ti winch
JW Speaker 7" round driving lights
BakFlip Revolver X2 tonou cover.
4:88 gear from Nitro Gear
ARB front locker
Gear Driven limited slip rear (No Spin)
ARB HD compressor with Semi airbrake lines for onboard air lines, crimped stainless fittings and a mount for the second compressor.
Alpine Restyle Head Unit
Black Rhino 20x9.5 wheels 18mm offset
335x80R20 Continental MPT81 tires (full size spare)
Full Pelican cases for bed storage

Stuff in the box ready to install when I have time:
AEV Raised air intake with pre filter
Randy Ellis Design Sleeksters ( these will be modified to work with the AEV Highmark fender flares next week and then we will start building the
secondary portion of the slider that will tie into the body mounts on the frame).
Custom Nemesis Ind. Expedition bed rack (modified version of what DPP sells)
23 Zero RTT
270 Degree Awning
Alu Boxes
Max Trax X4
Pull Pal
High Lift Jack (still not sure of I will use it)
WARN ZEON 12S platinum winch (for the rear)

Waiting on:
Expedition 1 rear bumper
Titan second fuel tank
all new Alpine speakers and amps
Ham radio and new nav. system

Thats it.... My truck build... There are much nicer trucks on the forum, but this one is mine and it meets my needs. I enjoy reading about other builds, what people are doing, how they have built their own stuff and moded parts to fit what they want their trucks to be and do. I do spend a little time each day reading through threads looking for practical ideas and the ever present wisdom....


I had a little time yesterday for the truck... :) AEV Raised air intake with the pre filter... I have not installed my front inner fender wells yet to make working on the truck easier. The raised air intake was actually fairly easy and I only spent about 2 hours on it.


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Well-known member
Looks great! How does the snorkel attach to the A-Piller? Or is it self supporting?

I had a little time yesterday for the truck... :) AEV Raised air intake with the pre filter... I have not installed my front inner fender wells yet to make working on the truck easier. The raised air intake was actually fairly easy and I only spent about 2 hours on it.

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