Randy Ellis Design (RED) rock sliders showed up today. I was able to unbox them and take a preliminary look. I think it won't be very difficult to tie them into the body mounts on the frame creating a continuous surface from the door seal to the frame rail. The under body surface will be flat with the bottom of the cab/body line over to the frame rail and will bolt into place. I think its likely I will need to put Nut Inserts into the inside of the body so that I can build and bolt in a secondary support to both stiffen and add extra strength to the bottom(secondary) skid plate that will tie into the RED rock slider. I am considering building the secondary skid out of Aluminum, layered to 3/4 with a UHMW surface.
Packaging was good, box was not damaged and the sliders were very nice.
The sliders will take some cutting to get them to fit and look good with the AEV HighMark fender flares. I will deff. be cutting the ends and modifying them so they line up with the contour of the fender flares (with a small gap of course). I will be sure to take accurate measurements and good photos of the modified ends.
Packaging was good, box was not damaged and the sliders were very nice.
The sliders will take some cutting to get them to fit and look good with the AEV HighMark fender flares. I will deff. be cutting the ends and modifying them so they line up with the contour of the fender flares (with a small gap of course). I will be sure to take accurate measurements and good photos of the modified ends.