Flip Pac, Don't do it!
OK. I've really had it. Just called Flip Pac again, and again I've gotten the run around. They've given me the same excuse they always do, "we didn't get the torsion bars in this week, but are expecting them next week. You should call back then". I reminded them that I've had my name on the list for a replacement bar for SIX MONTHS, and that every time I've called I've gotten that exact message "they didn't come in, try next week". After I told her this, she switched tactics. This time it was "oh, you ordered them back in March, yeah we had them in back then I'm not sure why you didn't get one. I'll have the girl who took your order to call you back" This is funny...over my months of calling, I've been told I will be "called back" by Diane, by the manager, and now by "the girl who took my order". And you know what, they never call. NEVER. It's an excuse to get me off the phone because they know they are full of ********.
I'd be surprised if the Flip Pac was still being made in another year. These are the moves of a failing company. And even if they are, I REALLY doubt the quality is going to get any better. If you are thinking of buying one, I'd recommend looking at a different product, or maybe going through Adventure Trailers.
Here is a fact, the pure un-emotional truth. My bar broke within 2 years. Flip Pac will not replace it. So, now I've got a $4,ooo useless piece-o-******** on top of my car. And I'm definitely not the only one who's gone through this.
Now with a little emotion... ******** You FRP.