resetting a bead tricks


Grim Reaper said:
I would NEVER teach that to a class. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Some fool will do something stupid like catch themselves or the forest on fire and find an ambulance chasing lawyer and sue you.

Teach the ratchet strap or length of rope around the tread way of re-seating.

Personally if I have rope available I use that instead of a ratchet strap. A rope with a loop you and pull it tight enough to get it to seat and then just let it go when it starts to fill. Worse case you can tie it then take a stick to twist it even tighter.

With a ratchet strap you sometimes get enough tension that you have to let the air back out of the tire so you can release the ratchet. On a rim with a safety bead thats no big deal but it does take time. On a 16.5 rim you might loose the bead again since it lacks a safety bead on the rim.

Well, you did not follow the thread quite as accurate as I would hope or I was not as articulate during the comments were pertaining to to the ratchet strap method. No worries, I understand the intent of your comments.
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Expedition Leader
I did not relize the rachet strap method also use ether/starter fluid. I have much to learn.

Fifthpro said:
Well, funny you should ask. I am working on putting together some data, class, etc for my local Jeep club and plan to incorporate this. I have been waiting for the opportunity to present itself and snag the pics then but I am at a point that I just need to set this up and do it.

Transition to the ether method: Here is what I do and it works 80% of the time on the first try.

1. Take the tire and push it down with my foot so I can spray the ether at a mid point in the wheel.
2. I walk around and do this 5 times (tried 4, 6, 7, etc....but 5 is my number)
3. From the last location spray a bit along the tire to act as a fuse
4. Light it and as the flames develop I downward kick (not really a kick) with the toe of my boot along the side of the tire & POP it does its thing.
Note: I am not sure what the kick to the tire does but it increases the probability of this working expeditiously. It was how I was shown to do it and it works well.

I would have to say that this does come with a warning! I have seen it done a lot of different ways....and some not to safe in my opinion. Use your brain when you do this and realise that when it goes wrong it could cost you!
I like my bicycle tube trick the best. A ratchet strap or Spanish windlass (rope with stick) won't work on a 14 or 18 ply rated tire. With CTIS I could ignite the whole truck with ether. The bike tube works, I've used it in the field.



Heretic Car Camper
nwoods said:
I did not relize the rachet strap method also use ether/starter fluid. I have much to learn.
It doesn't necessarily need the ether. If either the Spanish Windlass (thanks Charlie, had no idea what that was called) or the ratchet strap can be tightened enough to put both tire beads in contact with the rim then the only further need is a compressed gas source.
If the rim has safety beads, then as soon as the tire pops over the rim the strap or the windlass needs to be removed. This is a safety to yourself, by-standers, and the strap issue.
Charlie's bicycle tube trick for heavier carcass tires sounds like the winner to me.


nwoods said:
I did not relize the rachet strap method also use ether/starter fluid. I have much to learn.

OK, after TWO rounds across the hood of my Jeep I guess the use of the English word "Transition" requires further explanation or definition as it is in this case.

Transition: 1 a: passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : change b: a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another

At first I talked about the ratchet strap method then skipped 2 lines and typed the word TRANSITION (meaning I was going to talk about a different subject or move from one style to another.)


Last weekend I witnessed the "strap and some CO2" technique... didn't even take the wheel off, the whole thing went remarkably well - I was impressed.

The CO2 flow wasn't even that great. We didn't have the proper connections to go very directly from the tank, so it was through all kinds of fittings and valves and business... still worked really well!

Made a cool "glooob!" sound, too.


Grim Reaper

Expedition Leader
tibaal89 said:
Last weekend I witnessed the "strap and some CO2" technique... didn't even take the wheel off, the whole thing went remarkably well - I was impressed.

The CO2 flow wasn't even that great. We didn't have the proper connections to go very directly from the tank, so it was through all kinds of fittings and valves and business... still worked really well!

Made a cool "glooob!" sound, too.

As long as the bead of the tire gets enough of a seal on the rim it could be done with a bicycle pump. Thats the buety of unning a little more narrow of a rim. I run 12.50's on a 7 inch rim. If I manage to roll the bead all I would need to do is get the weight of the vehcile off the tire and it would proably seal enough to seat without a strap.

I also run 7 inch rims becasue I can air down to 10 PSI and as of yet I have not lost a bead. :p My last truck had 10 inch wide rims with 12.5's and I had rolled beads on it a 22psi.


Expedition Leader
Reseating a bead.

The flamable/explosion method works, but I would try this approach first due to safety concerns:

Safe bead mounting

The same article but in a more printer friendly version can be located here on page 10.

I have used this method on 3 different occasions successfully. All 3 times it was with a 33" x 12.5" tire and was able to do it without removing it from the rig.

Good luck,

travel dodge

I got my tire back together. I used a heavy 2" rachet strap and my home compressor. It worked great. The I put a lockright in the rear diff and did some plowing. Blew the trany and I now have no reverse and there is way to much snow in front of the plow to get my truck out at this point, The beach sounds like a great place to be at this point. I need to learn to post pics.. thanks for all the advice.
I like this idea if my tire was allready off, but the strap around a tire that is still on the truck is more convenient it looks..... Entire thread all very usefull info, thanks guys....

p1michaud said:
The flamable/explosion method works, but I would try this approach first due to safety concerns:

Safe bead mounting

The same article but in a more printer friendly version can be located here on page 10.

I have used this method on 3 different occasions successfully. All 3 times it was with a 33" x 12.5" tire and was able to do it without removing it from the rig.

Good luck,

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