Thanks Jonny! Slowly is the best way! Gives you time to think about prioritizing mods and what's needed vs wanted vs unnecessary.
Richard, are you a tactic enthusiast? I ask because of your photo.
Thanks Jonny! Slowly is the best way! Gives you time to think about prioritizing mods and what's needed vs wanted vs unnecessary.
Richard, are you a tactic enthusiast? I ask because of your photo.
I enjoy and have interest in it, but I'm just a gun enthusiast.
Oh nice! I'm a Gun Nut myself. Just got out of the military. I was a Swat Team Leader in the Air Force. I love everything about guns, tactics, EDC, etc,
Very nice. The tactics part I'd really like to get into. Matter of fact I had a dream last night where we were room clearing and I botched the whole plan. Woops. A weird dream.
But I do plan on taking some more advanced tac classes in the near future as we have some locally. I've been more focused on work and getting the truck setup the way i like. I've got enough ammo to last me for awhile so the guns are on the back burner for now. I would love to snag a 1911 though...
Me too, man. It may sound childish, but I'm trying to make mine like an actual assault/Overlanding vehicle.
I'd actually like to see some spiffy AR mounts and ammo storage areas. Lots of Molle straps for customization. And don't forget cargo nets too. That reminds me, i need some cargo nets/bungee cord in the trunk since my storage boxes slide around a lot.
Expedition Overland's Tacoma build shows a couple of cool AR mount pics. I've been tossing this idea around for a 12 gauge. Be nice to have that in addition to my .45 bear gun!
I had some bungee nets in the back of my old Disco. They were great for holding stuff down, even a full set of scuba gear, including double steel tanks that alone weigh 72 lbs.
Not sure how to make an assault vehicle out of an Xterra but I'd like to see the end result! There better be AR500 steel in the door, underbody and panels, with a mounted gun up top. You might need a more powerful engine to accommodate the up armoringhahaha kidding.
I'd actually like to see some spiffy AR mounts and ammo storage areas. Lots of Molle straps for customization. And don't forget cargo nets too. That reminds me, i need some cargo nets/bungee cord in the trunk since my storage boxes slide around a lot.
Check out Raingler nets, they make a bunch of stuff for xterras
Expedition Overland's Tacoma build shows a couple of cool AR mount pics. I've been tossing this idea around for a 12 gauge. Be nice to have that in addition to my .45 bear gun!
I had some bungee nets in the back of my old Disco. They were great for holding stuff down, even a full set of scuba gear, including double steel tanks that alone weigh 72 lbs.
It's easy. Just takes money!
I was thinking of stuffing some phone books in the door panels for bullet resistance, but that won't work for River crossings. I'll need to rhino line certain parts of the vehicle to know that it'll be safe and take a beating in the bottom areas, darken the wheels, get a spotlight, molle and nets are a must, holster to accommodate certain weapon systems, etc. I don't want to give too much.
I love that build, as well as that show! I used to live in MT, and saddens me that I've never heard of these guys until AFTER I had moved.