pew pew
So after a few weeks it's time for an update. After wiring up the first pair of lights, I got the other pair setup with 55W Piaa Crystal Ion Yellow bulbs, instead of the included 100W. It's overpowered by the outer HIDs anyways but still lights up the road. I'll have to get some night beam pattern shots when I get the time...
I also wanted to do a cheap aesthetic change and decided to stick with the dark colored scheme. So I snagged some charcoal wheel paint at my local auto store and prepped and sprayed the OEM wheels. Turned out to my liking until I need some new tires and possibly some new wheels too.
Also I've been inquiring around as to getting a custom rear tire/jerry can carrier as my next mod. Or a Yaesu FT-2900 2M radio. Or jerry cans from deutshe. Or a dephep rack. I can't decide.
I also wanted to do a cheap aesthetic change and decided to stick with the dark colored scheme. So I snagged some charcoal wheel paint at my local auto store and prepped and sprayed the OEM wheels. Turned out to my liking until I need some new tires and possibly some new wheels too.
Also I've been inquiring around as to getting a custom rear tire/jerry can carrier as my next mod. Or a Yaesu FT-2900 2M radio. Or jerry cans from deutshe. Or a dephep rack. I can't decide.