richard310's 04 Xterra


What a neat trip, and yes my friend just had a broken arm etc haha. Capitol reef is now on my list of places to go, and seeing the virgin river in it's more natural state makes you kinda lucky :) That's what carved Zion.


pew pew
Day 3: Snowmass Village, CO for Tough Mudder
Time: 1 days
Mileage: 12mi

Did the Tough Mudder event on Saturday, Day 3. My friend Mike and I had a late start time so we slept in until about 1000hours. We grabbed some breakfast at Fuel at about 1130hours through a recommendation since the restaurant was closed between breakfast and lunch. We carb loaded up and started Tough Mudder. Check-in time was at 1245hours. We were the last wave of the day and got one of the most pumped up speeches I've heard in awhile. Average elevation was around 9000ft. Highest point was 9500ft and the lowest was about 8000ft. My lower body started to shutdown around the mile 9 marker. My legs had some major cramping issues and was unable to walk or run for about a mile. I had to skip one obstacle (walk the plank) since my leg muscles cramped and wanted to avoid drowning from limp legs. Turns out I wasn't replinishing enough carbs since I was burning more than my intake and the elevation was taking its toll. The medics gave me a big size bag of Cooler Ranch Doritos. I swear that bag of Doritos allowed me to finish the remainder of the race and complete the rest of the obstacles. Five hours later we crossed the finish line. At the end of the day we were covered in mud, dirt and grime. I felt great overall, minus the painful muscle cramps. I'd definitely do it again at the high elevation. Next year.

Day 4: Snowmass Village, CO to Arches National Park, UT
Time: Approx 3.5hours
Mileage: Approx 220mi

Woke up exhausted. Checked out of Stonebridge Inn at 1000hours. Had another great breakfast at Fuel and then Mike and I said our goodbyes. He headed back to Boulder and I began to start the trip back home. I hit 1000 total miles on the odometer on the way out of Snowmass Village. Hopped back onto I-70 West towards Capitol Reef NP.

The rains didn't want to dissipate so I turned on NOAA. Turns out there were flashflood warnings all over the area in Utah and western Colorado. There were warnings at Captiol Reef NP and that got my attention. I was planning on staying at Cathedral Valley Campground again. I called the Visitor Center to check on conditions. Unfortunately a decent storm just passed through with more on the way and road conditions were bad. I decided to change plans and camp at Arches National Park. The earlier arrival meant more light to setup camp and have dinner. There is Salt Valley Road into the park so at least there's off-pavement.

Passing through Grand Junction again. Grabbed lunch and filled up gas there.

Made my way to Thompson Springs and drove in via BLM 146. Spotted a single young male deer on the way. Drove from the BLM-146 to the BLM-145 to Salt Valley Road into Arches National Park.

On the way in on via Salt Valley Road, I came across a family in a Ford Focus with a busted tire. They were on the latter end of the tire swap and were in process of putting on the little donut spare as I pulled up. I asked if everything was okay and they said yes. Turns out they were from San Francisco and were heading back to Vegas to fly back from there. I recommended them not to continue on the road since it gets just a little bit rockier and if they don't want to risk another flat plus the donut spare. They decided to turn around and take the main road out of the park. I told them I'd follow them back out just to make sure they get out okay with no other flats.

There were storm warnings in the general vicinity, but it seems luck has been going my way. I haven't encountered any storms yet. Everything was literally around me.

Made it out of the park and hopped onto UT-128. Drove along the Colorado River to Drinks Canyon Campground where Deanna and I camped last year. Unfortunately, there were people camped in the same camp spot I was looking for, but the site next to it was open. Site 16. Right on the river. It was perfect. Only thing that sucked was that I had to lug everything down into the campsite. There was a mild climb up and down from where the truck was parked. Setup camp and cooked a wonderful meal of ramen and pork belly.



pew pew
Day 5: Arches National Park, UT to Mesquite, NV (Planned for STAR CENTER in Whittier, CA)
Time: Approx 5.5 hours (Planned 11hours)
Mileage: Approx 400mi (Planned 750mi)

I woke up to a light sprinkle on my tent and a sore body. It was hard for me to wake up so I slept in a few hours. Woke up about 0700hours. Decided to pack up and get on the road since I woke up late. While I was packing up, one of the camps next to me had a wonderful morning. I heard the moans and groans of morning sex. She was quite a loud one and it literally echo'd off the canyon walls. They were going for quite sometime. By the time I was finished packing, they had finished their activities and finally quieted down. Decided to also skip breakfast and grab something while on the road. I had numerous cliff bars with me so that became my breakfast. I took the same route I drove while coming in.

Decided to check out Klondike Bluffs but the road became rocky requiring 4wd and I didn't want to risk damage since this was my drive home. Turned around and headed out.

I saw the same deer I saw the previous day in the same general area.

Then I saw another male with 3 females resting along the road. They ran off as I got out to snap a picture.

As I neared Thompson Springs, I aired up the tires. As I was airing up, I did a quick walk-around and discovered all the rattling and vibrating actually backed out a few self-tapping screws holding my front bumper together. I ran out of screws since I replaced a few already back at Capitol Reef NP. Utilized zipties to keep it from flapping around.

Passing Capitol Reef NP via I-70West.

I stopped off at Richfield, UT to grab some lunch at Arby's and fill up gas at about 1300hours. The proceeded down to St. George, UT. I kept the NOAA alerts on and kept recieving flash flood warnings in Washington and St. George, UT. I hit a massive thunderstorm on the way just before St. George. Lightning and extremely heavy rain. I passed through the storm and filled up at St. George, UT. Hit the road again and as I passed through Virgin River Gorge, I hit another massive storm. This time even bigger than before. NOAA began alerting on-going flash flooding at Zion and Bryce NP. Moapa had another flash flood warning as well as Clark County, NV and the rest of northern Nevada. All of southern Utah and Nevada had flash flood warnings. I was hoping to push through the storm and get ahead of it. Driving through the Virgin River Gorge was quite sketchy. Visibility was about a few 100ft. Heavy rains and flooded roads. The canyons were pouring with countless waterfalls and the shoulder of the road was completely flooded. Waters from the canyons were pouring all over the road as well. The construction equipment on the side of the roads were about a few feet deep into muddy waters. I briefly overheard one of the truckers on the CB that I-15 was flooded...

Virgin River Gorge. I had to pullover and just take in the awe of mother nature:

I passed the city of Mesquite around 1800hours and once I hit the 170-Bunkerville/Riverside exit (exit 112) traffic began to back up. I talked with a few truckers and they mentioned that the road was completely blocked off and the highway patrol were turning people around back to Mesquite. So as I sat in traffic moving at turtle speed, there was word of Mesquite losing power and also the possibility of overcrowded hotels and parking lots. I pulled off right before the turnaround and just decided to wait in the truck. I was surrounded by other vehicles and truckers pulled off on the side waiting the flood out. Apparently the I-15 in Moapa was completely flooded out. Cars were floating off the road. I began to look for alternate routes but they also closed off the Virgin River Gorge from fallen rocks on the roads and flooded sections. We were pretty much trapped. That's how bad it was. We talked with the authorities there and they said the road wouldn't reopen for another few days. Crap. I had a Validated Physical Ability Test the next day at noon. So we waited a few more and talked again to the authorities. They said they were trying to open up the 169 so traffic can bypass the flooded section. I sucked it up and decided to take a nap hoping for the best around 2200hours. Set my alarm for every hour. I can tell you I didn't get a good nights sleep whatsoever.

Day 6: Mesquite, NV to STAR Center in Whittier, CA
Time: Approx 5.5hours
Mileage: Approx 350mi

Finally around 0500hours the next day, I walked up to get an update. Apparently they did open up the 169 and only small traffic can get through. (WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN???) I had 5.5 hours to get to my 1130hours appointment in Whittier, CA. I booked it down through Moapa and Valley Fire State Park. Did a quick pitstop to fill up gas and change into workout clothes at Barstow, CA. Hopped back onto I-15 South and booked it into Los Angeles. I made it to my appointment with four minutes to spare. 1126hours. Luckily with my condition of soreness and only a few hours of sleep after a 5.5hour drive, I passed my Physical Ability Test. :)

After six days and 1,990 miles, I finally made it home at 1500hours. Dead tired.


That sounds like a great trip, minus the rushing to get to STAR.. Glad you passed your PAT! Sad you werent able to come by my new place here in Idaho..

Those "deer" btw are Antelope.. Just an FYI for future reference.. Oh yeah, they taste great too!


pew pew
Love the pictures! And you did right by telling that family in the focus to turn around.

Looking good, looks like an excellent trip!

Thanks guys! It definitely was a great trip.

That sounds like a great trip, minus the rushing to get to STAR.. Glad you passed your PAT! Sad you werent able to come by my new place here in Idaho..

Those "deer" btw are Antelope.. Just an FYI for future reference.. Oh yeah, they taste great too!

I'd have like to head up in that direction this past trip but time wasn't on my side. That visit will have to be a separate one on its own when I head up there. Definitely want to see the off-highway sights and do some camping out there too.

Good catch on the Antelope. They do look significantly different than deer. Stripes, colors and all. I'll stick with 4-legged-deer-looking-things though. :sombrero:


pew pew
Just got back from American Adventurist Socal Mountain Rendezvous. A great event put on by Dave. I hope to make next years event along with Desert Rendezvous as well. Lots of pics to come!!


pew pew
2014 SoCal Mountain Rendezvous
September 19-21, 2014
Camp Tahquitz

I headed out right after work on Friday just to sit in traffic for approximately 4.5 hours on a route that would typically take about 2.5 hours. Left work at 1700hours. After some stops to pick up food and necessities, I finally arrived at the location for the SoCal Mountain Rendezvous at about 2145hours. Most everyone was asleep, minus a few which I found out later that night were still up enjoying the cool mountain air. Setup camp, ate my Arby's BeefNCheddar, had a phone call with Deanna (to which I was happy to have reception), and passed out.

The next day was filled with blueberry pancakes with bacon, socializing, trail runs, hiking, dutch-oven contest/potluck, raffles, and whatever you can occupy yourself with in one day. According to Dave, there were over 100 rigs so there were plenty of people to talk to. I started my day at 0645hours. Had a massive egg/ham/onion scramble for breakfast then headed down to socialize and have a few of Mojoe's blueberry pancakes with bacon. Quite delicious! It's safe to say I was satisfied with lunch in my belly as well. I hung out at the main camp in the morning but spent most of the day at my own camp (in the overflow area away from the main camp) reading a biography of Ulysses S. Grant and how he saved the Union. Drank a few beers, took a nap. Quite a lazy, relaxing day. Then I headed down to check out the Dutch-Oven contest. I was late as I was near the last man in line to get in on some of the dutch-oven goodness. There were scraps in the main pots. Maybe a nibble or two in the next few pots. Then just meat chili and chow-mein, chips and salad. Not the variety I was looking for nor was I able to vote on which was the best. I kept the tickets to myself since there were literally no food left to vote on. I ate what was left but ate too much of it. Didn't even feel like cooking my own dinner I had waiting for me back at camp. Luckily though I won a SureFire G2X Pro flashlight during the raffle. I can never have enough flashlights. The event dispersed, and the rest of the weekend was yours to do.

Sunday I was planning on joining the exit-run to Rattlesnake and 2N02. Packed up camp about 0830hours. Had a quick breakfast but mch later found out that there was no organized run. I jetted early about 0915hours on my own route since I was hoping to cross paths with the group. Took 2N01 across to 2N02. Fiddled around 2N89Y, tackled it, and headed back onto 2N02 to Yucca Valley. Luckily, I ran into the original leader on the latter half of the trail. Turns out he had a late start and no one inquired about the run, so it never happened. He, on the other hand went out anyways, as did I. Took the road out, and home.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.



pew pew
Back on 2N02

Some cool rock formations along the way:

Then I saw this! I had to stop and snag a picture. Still not a part of that forum though.... it's too exclusive of a club :D

That's all I've got. :) Overall I had a blast, met some new faces, enjoyed the mountain air, and look to make the next Rendezvous in the future.

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