Ridiculous descriptions from sellers


Well-known member
Perhaps the mods here have finally gotten realistic and dropped their helicopter parenting. Last time I made a crack about a wench on a vehicle my post was deleted, and it wasn't as risque (not that this is) as this. Points for consistency at least there, mods......:rolleyes:
We should run a lottery for how long this one lasts.

pith helmet

Well-known member
Perhaps the mods here have finally gotten realistic and dropped their helicopter parenting. Last time I made a crack about a wench on a vehicle my post was deleted, and it wasn't as risque (not that this is) as this. Points for consistency at least there, mods......:rolleyes:
They have definitely lightened up a touch.


Well-known member
yep kudos to the mods for realizing most us are adults

shes a gorgeous girl, dressed better than most hollywood actresses, hate to tell her she is dressed indecently, looks like everyday beach attire


I never liked those Obama computer assassination chips.

It is a well known fact, supported by a plethora of anecdotes, that the Federal Government has long hated the Louisiana Vegan Monks, thus their fear of computer chip assasination.

On the bright side, with that fundraiser receipt, and a VERY high tolerance for IRS risk (computer chip assasination?) the tax savings on your $85k might bring this thing down to just 2x actual value!


Active member
Don't know why It's called a MONSTER RIG, being a regular American made truck, not a lmtv or unimog....MAN CAT
like calling a VW bug? An overlander.


New member
We have " for sell" here too.

One I saw earlier today " outside shed" .....

Where else would you put it ? Oh I think I will stick it in the lounge room.


Kapitis Indagatoris
I've always liked the "mechanics special", you know the one, "blown engine, trashed transmission, rolled, crashed, must bring a trailer to remove, won't start/stop/move, etc....." yet, they still want $9k for the darn thing!


Officious Intermeddler
So how about the current, over use of that “Up for Sale” appellation?

Why do ya need to add the “Up”?

For Sale works perfectly standing alone, me thinks.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Not certain this thread is in the spirit of Expedition Portal and a gentlemanly decorum. If it continues to spiral, I'm gonna nuke it or at least lock it.


New member
If you dont like someones classified then dont buy the vehicle, it isnt complicated and certainly not worth creating a post for the sole purpose of bad mouthing other people.


Kapitis Indagatoris
Not certain this thread is in the spirit of Expedition Portal and a gentlemanly decorum. If it continues to spiral, I'm gonna nuke it or at least lock it.

Please address the individuals causing the concern and not broadbrush the entire group/thread. Cheers.

And with that being said its time for me to take a leave of absence from social media due to these types of cancel issues......Cheers and hope to see many of you at some of the 2022 OE events or other overlanding events throughout the US!

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