Quite a bit has happened since my last update.
I've installed the bullbar on the front of the bumper, it looks alright, still need to wire up the lights but other than that it'll hold me over until I build a bumper myself.
The poptop has been broken down completely - well, mostly. I chose not to mess with the lifting mechanism. I repaired the fiberglass top to the best of my abilities, which isn't saying a whole lot haha. It was definitely a learning experience. All that I can say is that I did my best and it SHOULD be water tight now. I also cut a hole for the Maxx Air fan, which is exhaust only, and I'm really struggling with trying to decide if I should opt for a model that has more function or if I should try it out first?
We decided to use Elastomeric Roof Paint from Menards. We had only a 1/2 NAP roller so I did about 4ish coats with that, pretty thin, then bought a 3/4 NAP roller which is what is recommended, and put on the final coat.
Now I'm looking into replacement hardware.