Rubicon with a tundra?


My family and I are planning a loop from TN out west and back next summer, looking like 2.5-3 weeks total for the trip.

So my question is what would be needed for my tundra for Moab and the Rubicon? Obviously I have never visited those places, but would like to catch both next summer. If any changes and upgrades are needed to the tundra I have to budget for them over the winter to make it in time for the trip. I wish I could take my Spring over and locked YJ but the family wouldn't fit and the ride would be, well horrible. So the tundra it is. We will probably have our military 416 trailer in tow as we have begun to convert it to an over landing trailer.

Think best case options and then a budget friendly option and I will probably fall in between. See my sig for my trucks current setup.


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The Tundra would not be my ride of choice for the Rubicon and not with a trailer for sure. Some places are very tight


You might get some body damage? Wouldn't attempt by your self better to have 2 or 3 similar vehicles. Not that it's that bad but it's a real long way home if something breaks. Take plenty of bug spray as we had mosquitos even though the nights were 30-35 degrees. Make sure you don't have any locking lug nuts that stick out cause you will break them off. Doable better to follow someone to gauge their lines., the longer wb vehicles seem to have more issues though. Plenty of video's on web


Your limitation will be break over angle. Don't drag a trailer through there. You absolutely must have beefy sliders and a rear bumper. If you don't, don't go there. With a long wheel base, you will be on the sliders a lot. You will likely need a winch to avoid major damage around Buck Island Lake. Can you run bigger tires, like 35s? 32's are going to be a liability.

No getting around you will sacrifice body panels on the Rubicon. Especially the rear quarter panel. Even with well set up trucks and familiar drivers, figure a dent in the body every trip through.

Moab and Rubicon are very different. Rubicon rewards short wheel base and lots of lift. Moab, not so much, in fact, near the opposite. Still, the rear hangover will cause a few nasty noises.

I saw a guy go through Rubicon in a newish F250 last month so it can be done. just get your mind set clear, that dents are OK. The guy I saw had big dents in the rocker and he was only on Walker Hill. On 37s. You'll need the full kit-lockers, armor, good attitude, patience.

In my *estimation* the Tundra will do OK in Moab. It's a high traction, and few loose boulders kind of place. With the ledges and drops, you still need armor.

On the Rubicon, the Tundras R&P steering is kind of fragile so be careful. Bring the spares and tools to basically fix everything in the front end. The trail isn't that hard, but there is a high risk of breakage. If you can fix it, then no big deal, but if you can't, the off-road tow charges out of there start at $1000.

Did I mention, the trailer is a bad idea for a first timer, in a long wheel base IFS truck. Good luck though, it's a great trail and lots of great memories.

BTW-Your YJ (this is the square headlight leaf spring jeep?) is a better choice because of the clearance and short wheelbase. Could you tow that out instead of the trailer?
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Thanks for the info,

Armor and lockers are high on the list for sure. I carry spares on local trips but would obviously beef up the cache of parts for the trip. I could probably run 35's with a little more lift. The truck already has dents in it, I use it for work, play and family cruiser. It is our home on wheels. Towing the YJ may be an option. yes it is the square headlights and it is set up more for crawling around. It needs a few things but overall it is a solid rig. The problem I run into is I have 4 kids and the YJ only seats 4. so it would be interesting trying to figure out the logistics, but maybe doable. Maybe Moab should be on the list and I rethink the Rubicon until I can bring the Jeep out with a group. Was just trying to hit both on the trip out. I spent 10 days wheeling, kayaking and mountain biking in Colorado last summer and it was amazing. at the time I had an 02 Sequoia with a locker in the rear. It actually did really well, but the trails were mainly just snug and I didn't mind some custom colorado pin stripes.


Tour Guide
Too bad you still don't have the Sequoia it would be much better on the Rubicon than the Tundra. It was shorter and narrower. Your truck however will be fine in a lot of places around Moab and Canyonlands. I have taken my '05 Tundra on 3D, the first half of fins-n-things, Elephant Hill, and the White Rim without any issue. White Rim is 80 miles long. To do Elephant hill is is about 80 miles to the trail head in the Needles district of Canyonlands. Fins and things is right outside of town, the second half you'd sure be dragging your bumper. You would be very good on Bull Canyon and Gemini Bridges. Long Canyon is just a pretty canyon drive that would be simple. You can handle Schafer Trail and Potash Rd, For an easy day trip with the kids, chicken corners would be fun. Look for the book by Charles Wells, pick some trails and ask us what we think, we'll help you out. I was a trail guide in Moab at the Easter Safari for 10 years.

Here is a link showing us on Elephant Hill
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Expedition Leader
Your limitation will be break over angle. Don't drag a trailer through there. You absolutely must have beefy sliders and a rear bumper. If you don't, don't go there. With a long wheel base, you will be on the sliders a lot. You will likely need a winch to avoid major damage around Buck Island Lake. Can you run bigger tires, like 35s? 32's are going to be a liability.

No getting around you will sacrifice body panels on the Rubicon. Especially the rear quarter panel. Even with well set up trucks and familiar drivers, figure a dent in the body every trip through.

Moab and Rubicon are very different. Rubicon rewards short wheel base and lots of lift. Moab, not so much, in fact, near the opposite. Still, the rear hangover will cause a few nasty noises.

I saw a guy go through Rubicon in a newish F250 last month so it can be done. just get your mind set clear, that dents are OK. The guy I saw had big dents in the rocker and he was only on Walker Hill. On 37s. You'll need the full kit-lockers, armor, good attitude, patience.

In my *estimation* the Tundra will do OK in Moab. It's a high traction, and few loose boulders kind of place. With the ledges and drops, you still need armor.

On the Rubicon, the Tundras R&P steering is kind of fragile so be careful. Bring the spares and tools to basically fix everything in the front end. The trail isn't that hard, but there is a high risk of breakage. If you can fix it, then no big deal, but if you can't, the off-road tow charges out of there start at $1000.

Did I mention, the trailer is a bad idea for a first timer, in a long wheel base IFS truck. Good luck though, it's a great trail and lots of great memories.

BTW-Your YJ (this is the square headlight leaf spring jeep?) is a better choice because of the clearance and short wheelbase. Could you tow that out instead of the trailer?

I don't think length is as much of an issue as clearance. I've seen Unimogs galore make it through. As well as h1s and a long bed old Chevy truck. Being low is going to be the enemy.

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials."
— George Mason, in Debates in Virginia Convention on Ratification of the Constitution, Elliot, Vol. 3, June 16, 1788


Expedition Leader
Most of the trails minus the toughest trails in Moab will be fine (as previously mentioned, Fins-n-things (you'll drag bumpers), Baby Lions Back, Gemini Bridges, Long Canyon are all doable especially with a rear locker and no trailer). Rubicon while I've personally never done it but looking at various videos and reports (e.g. it's a lot of rock stacking, possible winching and generally hard work- not sure I'd attempt it with the family and kids for the first time in a truck that's not really rock crawler. If it was me I'd skip it, there are plenty of other overlanding type trails to see and enjoy with the family but that's just me. If you do do it I'd love to hear your impression of it.


Easy :sombrero:

Seriously - Winch, sliders, skids and a rear locker would be nice. Sliders and some really good driving maybe, but I'd expect body damage. Front CV's would be getting a workout as well.

I'm assuming 1st Gen Tundra, if it's a 2nd Gen, then no way. I wouldn't really recommend the Rubicon in either generation if you plan on driving out and back home. And no way in h*@% with a trailer.

Plenty of stuff you could do safely in Moab, but I would skip the Rubicon unless your Tundra is moderately built and you have no regard for sheet metal........

I also have many friends in Colorado that might be able to guide you to some more tame trails around them.

If you do decide to run the Rubicon, I've got a freind nearby that probably wouldn't mind you dropping the trailer at his place while you're on the trail.

I will say out of the 27 states and countless trails we had our Tundra in, the Rubicon was our all-time favorite.







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Wiffleball Batter
When you say "Moab" you should be more specific. There are HUNDREDS of trails and dirt roads in the Moab area (depending on how generously you define "Moab.") The vast majority of them can be done in almost any vehicle. White Rim is gorgeous and only has two difficult spots (Murphy Hogback and Hardscrabble Hill.) Any stock 4x4 can do White Rim as long as you have decent tires. You can even pull a trailer (although I wouldn't just because you may meet another vehicle coming the other way and backing up can be very tough in some spots.)

The drawback to Moab will be weather. You said "summer" and I'm assuming it's when the kids are out of school. Moab is HOT that time of year. There's a reason most of the 4 wheelers go there in the spring, winter and fall.

Outside of DVNP and Mojave Preserve I'm not familiar with the California 4x4 trails, but there may be other, less difficult trails than the Rubicon in that part of the state that you can do in your Tundra. And if there aren't, you could always come to Colorado. Mid-summer is the time to be in the Colorado high country (it's the only time our higher trails are open to anything other than hikers or skiers.) The San Juans are spectacular and if you are there around mid- to late-July you may be there when the wildflowers are in full bloom.

Here is a good resource on trails in Colorado and Utah:


Thanks Guys,
It is a 2nd Gen tundra and we are going to skip the Rubicon until I can bring the YJ out with a group of people who can wheel. Moab should be fun and like most of you said we will have plenty of options for wheeling and camping around the area. I spent some time between durango and Denver last year kayaking, traveling and wheeling. We took a road/trail that my GPS found up towards cottonwood pass. It wasn't bad at all but it was a fun trip. We talked about checking that area out and do more over land camping in that region. I saw some really cool looking trails as we were heading into Silverton but didn't have time to explore.

Our goal is the adventure, the travel and pushing the tundra into the back country... not trashing it completely. The Jeeper in my got pumped about the Rubicon and was going to try and make a square peg fit in a round hole.

Thanks for the trail damage site, we may try and plan a few trips/ camping in there. I know we will be camping at Oh Be Joyful in Colorado for a day or so. I really enjoy paddling that small section across the river up the mountain. Anyone know where I am talking about? We drove up there last year and it looked like it kept going for some time. does that go anywhere worth checking out?


Wiffleball Batter
I know we will be camping at Oh Be Joyful in Colorado for a day or so. I really enjoy paddling that small section across the river up the mountain. Anyone know where I am talking about? We drove up there last year and it looked like it kept going for some time. does that go anywhere worth checking out?

Never heard of it. Is this in the San Juan mountains?


Oh be joyful is on slate river road a few miles north of Crested Butte, CO. I live in Gunnison, about 30 mins south of there. Beautiful area, crowded this time of year. I might suggest Cinnamon Pass from Lake City to Silverton. You will need basic skids and good tires. Beautiful views and vistas. Lake city is an hour southwest of Gunnison on the Silver Thread, an area famous for its mining history. The kids will enjoy the old mines, buildings, and critters in the area. From Denver take 285 to Buena Vista, over cottonwood pass. Then take a right on Hwy 135 into Crested Butte. From there you can head into lake city, cinnamon pass, silverton.

Mesa Verde is a great spot too. Down near durango. Fun park to visit. PM me if you need more details.

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