here's the link to the index to Dr Rock's cross country ride(s). The Normandy Invasion is not as well documented as this trip is.
The plan was to ride as far as reasonable during a 2 week period, then stash the bike, fly home, and continue the next time a 2 week vacation was available. There have been 8 legs to the journey so far, including 3 legs to cross from New York to Reno, 2 legs up the pacific coast to Anchorage, 1 leg riding around Alaska and northwest Canada, 1 leg to Edmonton, and 1 leg south to Idaho.
The travellers camped often, but also stayed in motels. They packed very light, more like bicycle tourists.
The motorcycles used are Suzuki DRZ-400s, relatively inexpensive dual sport models. No autobahn-burning megabuck models here. Typical average speed is below 40 mph.