Expedition Leader
Ideas never cease...
And in an extention of your rendering Expo8 and my love for Svens modded 80 model...Would it be possable to add an extention to the back of the safari to create this sort of effect? Seems that if you had the length to do the "push outs (drop downs?)" and could ad the rear piece in addition... one could create their own sort of Earth Romer modlarly without needing the 6 figure investment? Use the extenstion to add the needed length to use the drop down sleepers on the side of a CJ/TJ/YJ whatever...And maybe move some of the support equip to the rear tail housing... Hven't really looked at the configurations to see if thats possable...but I think sleeping two people parallel with the jeep instead of cross wise may make it easier to create somewhat of usable space inside..? Just a thought...?
Or you could apply the same concept to the Safari Cab hardtop for the Jeep...
You'd end up with a sleeping platform that was almost 8 feet long (across the Jeep), and about 4' wide (might have to mod the roll bar a bit to move the rear down bar out of the way).
And in an extention of your rendering Expo8 and my love for Svens modded 80 model...Would it be possable to add an extention to the back of the safari to create this sort of effect? Seems that if you had the length to do the "push outs (drop downs?)" and could ad the rear piece in addition... one could create their own sort of Earth Romer modlarly without needing the 6 figure investment? Use the extenstion to add the needed length to use the drop down sleepers on the side of a CJ/TJ/YJ whatever...And maybe move some of the support equip to the rear tail housing... Hven't really looked at the configurations to see if thats possable...but I think sleeping two people parallel with the jeep instead of cross wise may make it easier to create somewhat of usable space inside..? Just a thought...?