I know I overkilled the transmission but it isn't my driver - and I don't want to ever have to rescue my wife when it's what I sourced that breaks. I also plan on turning this up after the year warranty - so I think it'll be just fine for her while giving me peace and peace of mind while she's out search and rescuingCongrats! it sounds really small.
I do believe a 4 cyl diesel is ideal for the JKn
Interesting.... wonder if I've already eliminated those wires? love it when I make things harder. With that said, HP tuners is fantastic for turning sensors off (and their attendant dash lights). wonder what I can do about the signal it seeks with HP tuners.....Tricking the JK into thinking it has a "running" engine was quite the hassle when I tried to diesel swap one.
From memory, it's all about tricking the cam position sensor and the crank position sensor. As long as those two are seeing a good signal, everything else should work (with a ton of warnings on the dash).
There are companies that can delete everything from the stock computer you don't care about (like gasoline injectors) to make all those warnings go away.
I thought a lot of people would have put this Cummins 2.8 into JKs by now and there would be a fairly known "process" to make it all work.
Based on the interior your JK is a 2011 or newer. Is it a 2011 or 2012+The other cool thing is I can change how the fan comes on (it's a solid state fan for those who don't know)... I'm hoping that I can fool the tach to work with the outputs from the r2.8. If not, a simple bracket a it should work just fine
it's a 2014Based on the interior your JK is a 2011 or newer. Is it a 2011 or 2012+
If it's a 2012+ it has a PWM main fan which is a very good thing. AEV will always upgrade to that fan when doing hemi swaps in the earlier JKs because it moves WAY more air and uses WAY less power.
You can power it from the TIPM if you want no problem with 100% factory wiring. I believe there is a company that can program the TIPM to change at what temp the fan will come on/off. I was in the middle of that when I gave up on my swap, but I know the next owner got it working flawlessly.
For the cam signal look what the 4bt guys do. They put a ring on the power steering pully usually and point the sensor at that. The signal doesn't have to be "accurate", it just has to see a signal and it will know it has a running engine, and make almost everything else work, including the tach.
Good luck, I'm sure you'll get there!
it's a 2014
My first attempt will be install the temp sensors in the r2.8 and hope they turn on the fan. If now, I'm using a PWM fan in my 76 Corvette - and love it - the only reason I don't just go straight to the aftermarket is the fan needs to come on with the a/c is engaged.... would rather just fool the Jeep stuff into working. One thing with that, I put an oscilloscope on the trigger wire for the fan and it is getting the baseline signal - so I might be able to piggyback an aftermarket controller with the stock system to get the best of both worlds.
the r.28 has a trigger ring on the crank pulley. wish I'd known about the cam sensor thing before - however, it's 4 sensors on this motor so a bit more cumbersome to rewire and put the sensors in place.... especially since I could just use a button (yeah, yeah, redneck but I'm already pro-jackstand so this isn't a far walk from where I'm already at).
Thanks... I think Ford make great parts.... e.g. the HP dana 44 in my '40 came from a f250 - stout little piece. With that said, my trailer has Ford hubcaps on it - it tows 40% better.