Finished the interior painting. I still need to put some MinWax Polywipe on the sides and scrape down some white paint that seeped under the Frog Tape. Regardless, the front, rear, and ceiling are done. At least until my wife decides I need to change the color.
You will likely notice that the left and center cubbies are stained but not the right cubby. It looks too dark to me, and I think I will paint over the stain with a lighter color paint.
I finished painting the window frames and spacers. They are ready to install.
Had to tack on the rain gutters above the doors. I will do the final install the next time I open the sealant tube.
I put a finish coat of paint on the galley, then installed the swing out stove. It is on a lazy susan fixture so it swings in for storage and travel, and out for use.
To help assure stability, I will run a support from this
to this
Ended the day by putting the roof rack together and sitting it on the roof. The bars are only 24 inches apart. That may be to close, so I may have to mount the front bar on the front slope of the roof.
I'm surprised I have not received any advice on installing the carpet. I was sure that someone on this forum has experience doing that type of installation. I reckon I will just wing it.