Yesterday I took a fall while working on the trailer. The hitch caught a fold in my trousers while I was walking past it and pulled me off balance. So today I was slower due to some soreness. But milestones were reached regardless. The carpet was laid on the floor with double sided tape on the edges and spray adhesive in the middle parts.
I am pleased with the way it turned out. I did not get to carpeting the wheel wells yet, but hopefully, I will get it done tomorrow. In the process, I learned that blood comes out of the carpet really easily with cold water. I also learned that if you can't see the razor knife, don't put your hand anywhere you can't see your hand.
I installed the bulb seal around the doors. Once I again I am happy with the result. It causes difficulty closing the doors, but I will work on the strike plates soon. Regardless, it looks good.
You can see the fan trim is installed in the last picture. I ran the fan while installing the carpet and the windows. Really, really nice. As you can tell from the next photo, it got warm today.
And since it was so warm, I installed the windows and quit for the day.
Tomorrow's plan of the day is doors, wheel wells, two switches for the "porch lights", two reading lights, and trim out the fan connection hole. I also will put some sealant around the windows on the exterior, and some around the exterior wheel wells, below the galley hatch, and anywhere else I think may need it. Someone in dire need of black silicone came into Home Depot this morning before I arrived and bought every bit on the shelves and in back stock. Ha! I found some at the Ace Hardware store. Good stuff too!
Plus the other 101 details before I am satisfied that it is complete enough to hit the road.