I think that a modified original design would be best. If the curve were straightened out to resemble the design as it now stands, and if tee-moulding is used instead of original "as-built", the design would be simpler and easier to build. The difficulty of the original design was two-fold: the curve in the roofline and the sealing method used. straightening out the curve to an angle and using tee-moulding addresses both concerns.
On mundane issues, I've been working on gluing up a table top for the outside table, and some blocks for light switches and mounts. The light switch/mounting blocks are made from Curly Western Maple and look nice. I looked and looked for a ready made table top I could use or modify for use, but couldn't find anything. So I went to Home Depot and bought three pine stair treads (did you know they are made in China? I didn't!).
View attachment 408079
Once it is sanded and stained and finished it will be okay. Probably look just like a stair tread. If I cover it with a checkered table cloth no one will ever know they are supposed to be walking on it. Heck, maybe I should just lay one on it and glass it in with resin. Then I wouldn't have to launder it, right? Remember the decoupage craze from the 70's? No?
I have finished covering the fender wells with the carpet, and I will post photos tomorrow. The interior moulding is almost done as well. If I can get a good day of work in on the interior tomorrow, I will post some photos of all of it. Too much of today was taken up with getting the final suspension work done on the Subaru, but that is all done now.
Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th.