View attachment 488724
Being the first manufacturer of CB radios we definitely know their value but also know that they are limited to 4 watts of power by law. That's why we decided that we needed an alternative with better range, and to be compatible with FRS/GMRS walkie talkies. Enter the GMRS MicroMobile Two-Way Radio available in 5, 15, and 40 watt options!
To Midland: I know this sounds like heresy to any good electronics engineer, but IMO it would be a good idea to offer a dual band radio that covers both 11 meter (CB) frequencies as well as GMRS. I realize that a radio like that would be unneccesssarily complex but I think it would be an excellent way to "bridge" the current communications gap.
Here's why: The primary reason most users would be reluctant to get a new radio is because "it only works if other people are on that frequency too."
So, offering a CB/GMRS combination radio would allow someone to "upgrade" to GMRS capability while still retaining the ability to communicate with those who are still on CB.
It's kind of like when DVD's first came out, lots of people had "libraries" of movies on VHS, so manufacturers made combination VHS/DVD players so people could adopt the new technology (DVD) while still retaining the ability to use the old technology (VHS.) Eventually, people weaned themselves off of VHS and the VHS/DVD player combination disappeared from the marketplace.
I suspect the same will happen with CB. But it helps to get people to adopt GMRS if they can also use the same radios to talk to their friends who HAVEN'T yet made the change.
(and before anyone says "it can't be done", of course it can - the Yaesu FT-8900R operates on the 10m, 6m, 2m and 70cm bands. So there's no reason a CB/GMRS radio could not be built)