Scepter MFC Group Buy


So any updates on these? Last contact from the seller was two weeks ago promising an update on shipping times.


He posted an update on the original purchase site. Check it out.

Copied from the site:
5/4/10 Update.

Ok, so here's the current status... I got back from 4 days on the road to find an email from the supplier stating that since I'm a new account I need to verify that I'm doing business in a non CARB state. I turned around, and drove to Nevada and purchased a local business license. Per my conversation with the sales team, that will suffice. I'm told that they sell these to non-CARB states under an exemption form the EPA, and they are audited annually. How the EPA is in bed with CARB is still unclear to me. Anyway...been to Reno and back...Business license purchased and sent off.

On the up side I'm now pretty much fully legit to buy these things...down side, I wasn't planning on ever doing it again. It's been a lot of hoops and documentation to deal with. Seems that buying some plastic containers is more difficult than buying contraband on the black market. I love my country, but sometimes I wonder how we got so far off track...but I digress.

Thanks for being patient...I want my order as bad as you all do! I'll post shipping info as soon as I have it.
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That's screwed up. Those Commie bastards in CARB sure know how to get their hands around the throat of free America. :Wow1:

Thanks for the update.


Only problem I see here.... that now he is buying a pallet of highly-regulated, EPA-restricted items AS A BUSINESS and distributing them to everyone on the list regardless of their eligibality. Now HE will be "on the hook" as a business to the EPA (who enjoy handing out large fines to non-compliant businesses).

I might feel a bit safer doing this as an individual. I don't think I'd risk an enormous fine by using a business license to purchase these, but that's just me. Ever wonder why you can't find even a tiny business willing to sell these cans any more? They don't want to risk a huge fine.

...Just playing devil's advocate here...


Yup, CARB sucks, and Yup, I'm on the hook as a business....sort of. This ain't my first rodeo... I'm not as exposed as it sounds. Thing is, I'm a good American, if I felt for a minute that I was violating the spirit of American law, I'd not bother, but this is a law that restricts some of us from owning a product others are allowed to own. A completely harmless product no less. Nuff said.
To those of you who are in on this round, thanks for waiting. To everyone who missed out, sorry. Maybe I'll do it again. Not sure yet.


Expedition Leader
Of course I see the thread after it's all done. Sign me up for a next round if there is one. Thanks!

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