seanpistol's 01 Tundra


Coilovers came today!

After doing a bunch of research, I'm going to run the 650lb 13" coil that comes on it. I'm going to purchase the lifetime alignment from Firestone and experiment with at least 4 different settings, aligning the truck each time to get the coilovers dialed. I'll record ride height pre-drive and post-drive at 1.25", 1.5" ,1.75" ,and 2" of pre-load on each coil, recording ride height, ride quality, and travel. It will be kind of time consuming, but it's going to be the best way to be dialed.

Ground to fender height is 38.5" with my current set up. I assume it has 2.5"-3" of lift but really have no idea. Really can't wait to slap these coilovers in and see almost double the travel and a much smoother ride. Numbers won't lie.

I was just out driving around and thinking that the amount of lift isn't nearly as important as the ride quality and amount of travel. I'm still think daily about cutting into the firewall to be able to have zero rub at full stuff and lock on 35s- even if it's only an inch of lift. Then finally do that 4.56 regear...

I also asked SAW about if their coilovers have an internal "limit strap" like the ICONs are supposed to. He said if you're putting the front end through a situation where the shock is very quickly going to go from full compression to full droop, such as jumping the truck, you're going to have problems. But, if you're more of the slow crawler type driver like I am, the shock has limits and is fully capable of holding the weight of the tire at full droop. After finding that out, I'm still going to see if my CVs bind at full droop. If they do I'll strap it at the point where they won't bind. If they don't, I'll leave it alone.

Talked to Billy at BFF today. My bumper should be done this weekend and shipped next week. Going to powdercoat it and get it installed with the winch as soon as possible so I can start testing the coilovers with the weight on them.

I think this upcoming weekend I'll have time to build the bed rack and mount the RTT. Should also have time to get the 3-pack AAL and U-bolt flip kit in, and paint the rear axle with POR-15 while I'm at it. Progress.


Expedition Leader
Recording all the changes in coilovers settings will help if you ever want to run a different setting. You'll know right away which one to go with. Looks like you will be busy. Looking toward to the new set up.

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Coilovers look great Sean! Thanks for posting all the numbers as well and I look forward to your comparisons and measurements. Going to be very informative for myself and other who go down the Tundra path....

One request I do have, could you measure your lift heights from the center of the hub to the fender edge? This takes tire size out of the equation so technically I could compare to your numbers directly (and anyone else running any other size of tire).

I was just out driving around and thinking that the amount of lift isn't nearly as important as the ride quality and amount of travel. I'm still think daily about cutting into the firewall to be able to have zero rub at full stuff and lock on 35s- even if it's only an inch of lift. Then finally do that 4.56 regear...

The exact formula for my build - I don't care about lift height in the slightest. I'm more concerned with ride quality and the ability to carry more weight (which usually is represented by additional lift), with a maximum amount of wheel travel. A suspension sitting closer to factory geometry will a) ride better due to a proper balance of droop and up travel, without preloading the coilovers b) will stress those weak components less at static height, prolonging components - like CV's, Balljoints, and TRE's.

Cut and 4.56's, I like the sounds of that! :D


Expedition Leader
^ its nice to see others think alike. everyone's 1st mod is always a 3 inch lift and 33s. which is all good and nice but its nice to see that the few are doing very minimal lift and building with long term in mind. must be a tundra thing lol we naturally feel bigger and taller than everyone else lol


Got the coilovers in. Ran them at two settings today, I'll post the preload numbers later.

I have about the same amount of droop as I did with the Bilstein/OME setup, but gained a lot of up-travel. Excited to see about 10" of travel.

Full droop-

About 1/2" from the bumpstop-

Picked my welder up from being serviced and some 3"x3" 3/16" angle iron for the bedrails. Going to build the bed rack for the RTT tomorrow.


Awww man those look purdy.. I have a set of OME struts on the way that I need to find springs for and put together.

I spotted a set on ebay in need of work. You've got me thinking...
I don't know much about the IFS trucks, but one thought I had is about the half shaft. Will the axle bottom out inside the CV if there is too much bump? I might be inclined to remove the factory bumpstop and replace it with something harder and thinner.

Nice truck. I especially like the rear bumper.


I don't know much about the IFS trucks, but one thought I had is about the half shaft. Will the axle bottom out inside the CV if there is too much bump? I might be inclined to remove the factory bumpstop and replace it with something harder and thinner.

Nice truck. I especially like the rear bumper.

Thank you!

I could definitely replace with a thinner and harder bumpstop and gain almost another inch of up-travel without CV bind. I may just do that. Problem is that my backspacing is so agressive, I'm already rubbing the fender. Nothing some cutting can't fix...

At full droop there was no CV bind either, so no need for limit straps!


Awww man those look purdy.. I have a set of OME struts on the way that I need to find springs for and put together.

I spotted a set on ebay in need of work. You've got me thinking...

When I bought these Camburg C/Os, I was also trying to get ahold of a guy in Hawaii that had a set of SAWs listed for $150, and one had a blown seal. I contacted SAW, and found out they rebuild them for $89 each. I would have gone that route. Guy from Hawaii emailed me back the next day, and said since nobody hit him up in two weeks, he chucked them in the trash! He said if I contacted him a week earlier, he would have just given them to me for free! :Wow1:

I searched for "tundra coilovers".

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