seanpistol's 01 Tundra


Well, if you're going to tub you might as well do it for 35s. It is at the end of the list of priorities so it may not happen until later in the sunmer.

I'm going to have quite a bit of free time in June and July, though... pretty excited to get all these things done and get out and use it!

Oh, and I need to replace the leaky steering rack too.

Going to try a Safari Unlimited rack? I'd be interested to get some feedback on those as I know the steering racks are a time bomb. Supposedly the Safari ones are rebuilt OEM units but they beef up the internals somehow. Reminds me, I need to do the steering shaft weld mod I think too, to get rid of that little play in the steering wheel.

EDIT: you still planning on making that trip that was posted over on TundraSolutions this summer? I probably can't make that one but would like to hit Moab/Cali or even WYO in the fall. Maybe we can plan a trip with Blackdawg in the future.


Going to try a Safari Unlimited rack? I'd be interested to get some feedback on those as I know the steering racks are a time bomb. Supposedly the Safari ones are rebuilt OEM units but they beef up the internals somehow. Reminds me, I need to do the steering shaft weld mod I think too, to get rid of that little play in the steering wheel.

EDIT: you still planning on making that trip that was posted over on TundraSolutions this summer? I probably can't make that one but would like to hit Moab/Cali or even WYO in the fall. Maybe we can plan a trip with Blackdawg in the future.

I was planning on just getting a re-manned rack locally from NAPA with a lifetime warranty. I hadn't head of Safari-LTD but just looked up their website- I'll have to do some research on them. I see that they have a 2 year warranty on their racks... not bad. Just sent them an email to find out how their racks are superior.

Ive never heard of the steering shaft weld mod... I put in Total Chaos polyurethane steering rack bushings a few years ago and literally have zero play in my steering wheel. Truck drives like a Carolla. The rack has been very, very slowly leaking for a couple years- I'm just tired of looking at those wet inner boots!

Not even sure if DevinSixtySeven has been online since he posted the idea for that trip. I think I'd consider it a no-go at this point in time. But, I'd definitely be interested in a Moab or Wyoming trip in the fall. Most of the time I'm just out with my girlfriend and the hound so it's super nice to get out with a crew and explore new spots. Blackdawg would be a great WY tour guide.
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Here's what I came up with for height and width of the bed rack. Going to make it as long at the tent is itself, which is 50-something inches, and have just four supports from the frame down to the angle iron with gussets(so two pieces per side of the 20.85" 1x2x3/16" tube with a 30 degree angle at one end and 60 degree angle at the other). The highest part of the tent- where the ladder is folded up on top of it- is going to barely be even with the cab. It's going to be heavy duty with all the 3/16" steel. Not sure if I'll want it slid up to the back of the cab or centered over the wheels.

I did make sure that I only need minimal room to get the Y-bolt out of the tire carrier in case the tent is directly over it. No problems there. Planning on mounting the Hi-Lift to the bottom of the angle iron with the same Loc-Rac mounts I used to put it on the lip of the bed. Might do something similar with a shovel on the other side and keep those things more out of the way. This is part of the reason I went for the larger 3x3" angle iron.

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Still haven't had any time to work on anything. Next week I'll have time to get the bed rack made. Front bumper is being shipped today, should have it to the powdercoater next week.

This is why the tub is inevitable- rubbing with 285s. And if you're going to tub, don't do it for 33s!

I was studying the photos of Rickashay's tub job, and it definitely looks like if you could tub for 37s. You'd have to cut down and weld on the lower door hinge (you'd need to remove the bolts on the door side if the door needed to come off, some 1st gen-Tacoma owners do this for 35s), and probably go to glass fenders. Am I going to do that? Probably not. I'd like to retain the factory fenders and flares. But it's a fun thought!


It's interesting to see how much more room there is in an AC front wheel well than a DC at full stuff I'm inside the factory fender flare with 255s

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


What are you guys using to mount a shovel on the rack?

I used quick fists for both the hi-lift and shovel. They were not my first choice but I needed something fast before last weeks trail run.

Your 3"x3"x.187 tube is going to be beast! I used 1"x2"x.125 on mine and it is super strong. One thing to be awayer of is when you cut the angles in for legs they will no longer butt up to the main frame properly. The extra gap that is at the bottom is difficult to close up without causing the legs to warp inward and pull your mounts away from the bed sides. I'd recommend either buying some smaller tube for your legs so when you cut your angle in the opening is 3" and there is no gap fill needed.

Here is the gap I'm talking about

I just filled it with filler rod and all the extra heat caused the legs to shrink in and so I have to use c-clamps to put the bed rack on now. I have tubbed wheel wells before and it is tricky getting everything to line up and look good. It will be cool seeing your rack come together. Keep us posted.


Your 3"x3"x.187 tube is going to be beast! I used 1"x2"x.125 on mine and it is super strong. One thing to be awayer of is when you cut the angles in for legs they will no longer butt up to the main frame properly. The extra gap that is at the bottom is difficult to close up without causing the legs to warp inward and pull your mounts away from the bed sides. I'd recommend either buying some smaller tube for your legs so when you cut your angle in the opening is 3" and there is no gap fill needed.

Here is the gap I'm talking about

I just filled it with filler rod and all the extra heat caused the legs to shrink in and so I have to use c-clamps to put the bed rack on now.

I have some 1x2x3/16" tube I cut up from another project that I may use for the legs- for the rest of it I bought some 1x2x1/8" tube, and I have some 1/4 plate laying around I'll use for some gussets.

I was just planning on filling any gaps with mig wire, interesting point that it causes warping... I'll try welding a gusset from the base to the leg before I close the gap to avoid warping.

Picked up the front bumper from Fastenal and dropped it off at the powdercoater. I'm going with the same textured black I used on the rear bumper.

Should be done on Monday. Need to divorce the solenoid on my winch and make a bracket to mount it in my engine bay- probably between the radiator and the wash reservoir. Then head over to my buddies shop on Friday to use his hoist to get it all put together!

Hoping to build the bedrack tomorrow afternoon/Sunday and throw the tent on.


Worked on the bed rack for a while today. Made an adjustable jig with all-thread similar to amgvr4's-

Going to get another stick of steel after work tomorrow and try to finish the legs, then paint.
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Your truck looks great. Good call on getting the bumper powder coated, I tried the rattle can route on the bumper I built and it has not held up. I need to have it blasted and powder coated one of these days.

I just put 285/75r16 Duratracs (load E) on my truck and I'm curious what you are running for tire pressure? I switched from 265/75r16 Nitto Terra Grapplers (load D) that I put 50k+ miles and the Duratracs feel squishy both on-road and off-road in comparison even with a lot more air than I ran in the Nittos - same wheels. I was running the Nittos at 32-35 psi and they felt great. I will do a chalk test this week, but was curious to check with someone running the same setup.


Picture from the weekend at Rabbit Valley.


Didn't have much time to work on it after work today, but made the legs for the rack. Getting those angles right took a lot longer than I thought. Tomorrow is supposed to be super windy so I probably won't be weld it all together for a couple days. Going to add several gussets, but this is what she'll look like-

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Looking good! I'm glad the adjustable jig idea worked for you too, it was a life saver for me.
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Still pouring rain, but I picked up the bumper from the powdercoater and bolted the winch in today after I divorced the solenoid. Still waiting on some longer 2ga wire to show up to mount the control box in the engine bay. For now I loosely wound the rope to get the winch in the bumper, but it needs to be properly wound after it's all together. Got the LED flood cubes mounted. Hoping for some sun this next week to finish up these projects!


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