Self Portraits?


My daughter and I at Carlsbad Caverns.



Photographer in the Wild
Yeah... I bet those mountains feel a bit naked... :coffeedrink:

If I had a... lens... that big, I wouldn't have to lift my truck! :snorkel:

I kid, I kid. Not sure whether I'm more jealous of the camera or the mountains in the background.... been a long time since I've seen mountains. :(

Not jealous of the mountains, got plenty of those. that lens looks to dwarf my 70-200.


Me doing some video work and pretending to know what I'm talking about. :D



Not sure what the heck I'm looking at, but I do see a bit of lazy eye...hehe



Expedition Leader
Playing with HDR photography :)


Not bad Brad, just a touch blurry along your arm. What was the conditions of each shot? I've not tried HDR myself but I've seen it done very well by a photog I know here in town, pretty amazing stuff.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Not bad Brad, just a touch blurry along your arm. What was the conditions of each shot? I've not tried HDR myself but I've seen it done very well by a photog I know here in town, pretty amazing stuff.


This one I had to play with a bit because just my breathing between frames caused a lot of motion blur on my body. I tried to fix that by pulling in myself from just one of the photos and blending it into the HDR. Didn't work out perfectly. :elkgrin:

The shots I have done are off a tripod, three shots, one -2, one correctly exposed and one +2 over exposed. Then I use Photomatix to combine them into an HDR. Fun stuff but easy to get carried away and end up with a cartoon looking photo if your not careful.

Here's one of the same scene without me in it.



Expedition Leader
Man, the clarity of the "without you" shot is impressive. Even on my crappy laptop screen it looks crisp.

I am so jealous of you guys outwest with the canvas you have to work with. Even when I make it out to the mountains here the haze that gave the Blue Ridge their name often just makes everything blah.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Man, the clarity of the "without you" shot is impressive. Even on my crappy laptop screen it looks crisp.

I am so jealous of you guys outwest with the canvas you have to work with. Even when I make it out to the mountains here the haze that gave the Blue Ridge their name often just makes everything blah.

I lived in Richmond VA during High School so I know what you mean. I do enjoy the west. I just need to make more time to get out and practice shooting. :sombrero:

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