SEMA Show 2023


Expedition Leader
Tomorrow the SEMA Show opens. I got here today and went over to the convention center to help MORryde set up.

Background story: Last year At the show I gave MORryde some suggestions on ways they could improve their booth display. You may know that MORryde is one of the largest RV OEM suppliers in the business, probably #2. They fabricate all kinds of parts for the RV industry, from steps up to and including motor coach frames. They also, as you do know, have a nice line of Jeep accessories they manufacture, designed by yours truly. They're also the #2 or #3 general fabrication company in the country (the numbers aren't public so it's not clear what their exact rank is). They manufacture, for example, suspension parts for a major Jeep suspension company. I don't think I'm allowed to say who it is, but you would know them.

One of the things I told them last year was that they should promote their fab capabilities at the show. I'll bet almost every person walking the aisles of the show has a product idea that they can't get off the ground because they don't have the fab capabilities or a fab partner. To make the idea more clear, I did a very rough sketch of a display for them one evening after the show last year. They liked the idea, both of promoting their fab capabilities and the display concept, but I didn't hear anything more about it until two weeks ago. In a call with them on another subject, they told me the display was just about ready to be shipped to the show. They actually built two of them and planned to use both at the show, one of which they wanted to focus on camping/overlanding. They asked if I thought Overland Outfitters would like to have some of the display space to show off some of their products. I don't generally speak for OO, but I told MORryde that OO would definitely take them up on the offer.

So here's the results, this is their implementation of the display idea I sketched for them last year, it's a box that gets shipped to the show and there are display panels that come out of the box and hold products and a TV screen...


Quadratec provided many of the items on the display; they have a standup poster next to it showcasing their fab capabilities, which was one of my suggestions from last year.

The other display they set up as a camper/overland kitchen, and they gave much of the board space to Overland Outfitters.


The back side of the display above. The TV that goes on top didn't survive the trip so they're going to Walmart tonight to get a new TV in time for the show.


Since MORryde is showcasing their fab capabilities hoping to sign up new OEM accounts, I suggested to OO that they do the same and this sign is among the OO products on display...


MORryde is showing many of their Jeep products on the JLU in their booth including the Trail Kitchen and they're also showing a preproduction version of the suction-mount table I designed a while back; I turned over the design to them at Overland West earlier this year and this is what they've done with it so far. They've done a nice job with it, and in this photo it's attached to the side windows of the JL hardtop using the suction mounts.


Another background story: The first time I attended the SEMA Show was in 2010. At the time I was in the process of turning over the Safari Cab design to Gr8Tops and had designed and built the prototype Exogate in my home workshop. That first Exogate was installed on my LJ for testing and it worked out so well that Gr8Tops wanted to market it, but they were (and are) mostly a fiberglass company so they had no way to manufacture it. So I was one of those guys walking the aisles of the show with an idea but no fab capabilities. I came across the MORryde booth and they were displaying their RV slide products. I was also interested in slides and drawers for the cargo space of Jeeps so I stopped in to talk to them. In conversation it came up that they did fab work and before you know it they were manufacturing the Exogate for Gr8Tops.

Show opens tomorrow, I'll post photos of things I find interesting.


Expedition Leader
Tomorrow the SEMA Show opens. I got here today and went over to the convention center to help MORryde set up.

Background story:


Show opens tomorrow, I'll post photos of things I find interesting.
Interesting story, love how things like this come to be. Looking forward to your future posts on what you find interesting. BTW, I am really intrigued and curious about this side mount trail table/kitchen set up. Looks really interesting!
Edit: Seems like it would not be too hard to modify this trail kitchen to with Gladiators and Tacos with a bed rack.......


Expedition Leader
Seems like it would not be too hard to modify this trail kitchen to with Gladiators and Tacos with a bed rack.......
It would be easy to adapt the table to bed racks. I designed it to be a "multi-vehicle" table, almost all of the parts are shared between the different versions. So far it's designed to be a tailgate table for JL/JK/TJ/YJ Jeeps with only a change in the mounting method to fit the different tailgates. And with a slightly different mounting method I adapted it to use the suction mounts. It's also designed to be sold as a basic table, but with options - optional swing-down MOLLE panel in the front and optional slide-out table extension/cutting board under the table. (and optional Overland Outfitters Cutlery Keeper). This video shows it on a TJ tailgate:

MORryde's implementation of the design can also be adapted to all of those mounting methods and as I said it would be very easy to make a mount that would work with a bed rack. MORryde is also exploring its use in the RV world as an add-on exterior table for campers and RVs. Since almost all of the parts are the same for the various implementations, if MORryde puts any version of it into production it should be possible to get any other implementation (like bed racks) released.

On my son's JK tailgate, he's making eggs for breakfast...


Suction mounted on my LJ without the optional swing-down MOLLE panel but with the slide-out table extension/cutting board:



Expedition Leader
As an aside, I think the "Overland Outfitters Cutlery Keeper" is really cool, but would get very dusty stowed in the tailgate table here in the West. Do you have ways of hanging it for quick rigging that don't require screwing to the tailgate?


Expedition Leader
As an aside, I think the "Overland Outfitters Cutlery Keeper" is really cool, but would get very dusty stowed in the tailgate table here in the West. Do you have ways of hanging it for quick rigging that don't require screwing to the tailgate?
Overland Outfitters has never asked me for that so I'm guessing they've never had that request from anyone.

The way it installs now with existing commercial tailgate tables, it uses the screws that the tailgate table attaches to the tailgate with. But to make it quick install/remove, I would replace those screws with screw-in snap fasteners and install the mating side snap fasteners in the eyelets in the Cutlery Keeper. Could easily be a DIY job if someone wanted to have it attach that way.


Then you could keep the Cutlery Keeper inside a roll bar bag near the kitchen...


Or, Overland Outfitters also sells a product they call a Cutlery Roll, which is designed to roll up and store either on a MOLLE panel or in a drawer or bag somewhere and it can hang pretty much anywhere.


If/when MORryde releases the table they're showing at SEMA, I will work with MORryde and Overland Outfitters to determine the best way to attach the Cutlery Keeper to it, maybe I'd do snaps for that version.


Expedition Leader
Some photos from today. Today I'll focus a bit on TJ/LJ Jeeps - there really weren't too many TJ/LJ Jeeps at the show this year, actually I saw more Land Rover Defenders than TJ/LJ's but I haven't seen the whole show yet so maybe there are more to see tomorrow.

Big enough tires? This one is from Turn 14 (a distributor):



An LJ from Yukon Gear and a USPS-styled LJ. I don't recall for certain, but these may have been at the show last year.



This TJ wasn't in the show, I saw it driving by when I was walking to the West Hall. I thought the rack was interesting so I took a photo.


No this isn't a TJ, but has anyone seen National Lampoon's Vacation? It's the Family Truckster :).


I actually spent a good part of the day working so I didn't take too many photos. I did take more photos and I'll get around to posting them as soon as I get time.


Expedition Leader
I had a great meeting today with Auxbeam. Their display...



I wrote in another thread that they recently sent me their new 12-gang switch panel to test and review:


In my initial testing there were a number of things I thought they could improve and I sent them a list of those items last week. When I showed up today they went through the list and showed me the improvements they had already made in response to my list and they gave me some improved things to add to my testing. Wow that was fast. Today I also gave them the engineering drawing for a control box mount for the JK that I had to design and build because the mount they supply doesn't really fit in the JK. They were very appreciative and say they're going to make the mount I designed and offer it to JK owners who buy the product.

While in their booth, I was intrigued by their "under glow" lights (the three rows of dual lights in this photo):


I have zero interest in adding under glow lights to any of my Jeeps, but I told them I had a different idea to use them. They come 8 in a pack, so I told them I thought they would make great campsite lights - mount two on each side of the roof rack, two on the back and the remaining two inside the Jeep to light up the kitchen in the back. And with the 12-gang switch panel all four of those locations could be controlled separately and still leave 8 circuits for other uses. And, with the remote control they supply (or the Bluetooth smart phone app), the lights could be controlled while sitting around the campfire. They liked that idea and said they'll send me a set of the lights to test in that application. I also made some suggestions to improve the Bluetooth app and they liked the ideas. A very productive meeting and they were very appreciative for the help and input.


Expedition Leader
I also spent a good amount of time in the MORryde booth today, here's another photo of their space showing the Trail Kitchen in the MORryde JLU:


I was there for several reasons - first, to discuss some new product ideas I think they should implement. Second, to see what the reaction was to the suction-mount table, another photo of which is below. Reaction was really positive and that should provide incentive for MORryde to move the product into production as soon as possible. They've got a few details to improve and they've got to figure out pricing, but so far it looks good that the table will make it into production. We also discussed alternate mounts for it, including TJ/JK/JL tailgate mounts and a mount that could be used on the side of a Gladiator bed rack.


BTW does anyone have any product ideas and wants to start their own Jeep product company? MORryde was actively promoting their fab capabilities, looking for new fab customers. I can put you in touch with the right people at MORryde if you want to talk to them.


I also had a quick meeting with a compressor company I've been discussing some designs with but they were very busy in the booth so we need to continue the conversation tomorrow.

Sorry today's posts are more about my workday than about photos of interesting things, I do have more photos but want to get out to dinner now so I'll have to post more as soon as I get a chance.


Expedition Leader
A few more vehicle photos...

Bubba Rope had this Willys truck in their booth:


The rope really is this big, it's not a trick photo...


Another Willys:


A very clean YJ:



Not sure I like the dash though.


Not a Jeep, but I'll take one:


Definitely not for me:


I haven't been taking many photos of the JKs and JLs here, there aren't many I found all that interesting. And both are outnumbered by the Broncos in the show, although I haven't taken many photos of those either.

Yesterday ended up being another work day for me here but I did get some time to explore the West Hall in detail in the two hours before the show opened so I did see some interesting things and I'll try to post some photos as I get time.

On the work side, I participated in a meeting between MORryde and an automatic suction cup provider about sourcing the right mounts for the suction-mount table. Then I met with the compressor company I've been involved with a bit for the past few years, we discussed the 4-way air-up/air-down accessory. It sounds like they want to go ahead with it and they said they'd send me a preproduction sample as soon as it's available. I also met with the hose company that supplied me with the sample hose for the project. Then I met again with Auxbeam, I helped them design an engine compartment mount for their multi-gang switch system control boxes for the JL. Luckily the MORryde JL was handy nearby so we popped the hood open and worked out a good design for a mounting bracket. And I spent a bunch of time in the MORryde booth helping them answer questions about the products I've designed for them, like the Trail Kitchen.

A Chinese company I've been helping understand the Jeep market for the past few years brought me a nice gift. I laid it out on the MORryde suction mount table to show it off to me MORryde friends..


My next posts will focus on products I found interesting.


Some photos from today. Today I'll focus a bit on TJ/LJ Jeeps - there really weren't too many TJ/LJ Jeeps at the show this year, actually I saw more Land Rover Defenders than TJ/LJ's but I haven't seen the whole show yet so maybe there are more to see tomorrow.

Big enough tires? This one is from Turn 14 (a distributor):

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An LJ from Yukon Gear and a USPS-styled LJ. I don't recall for certain, but these may have been at the show last year.

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This TJ wasn't in the show, I saw it driving by when I was walking to the West Hall. I thought the rack was interesting so I took a photo.

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No this isn't a TJ, but has anyone seen National Lampoon's Vacation? It's the Family Truckster :).

View attachment 803680

I actually spent a good part of the day working so I didn't take too many photos. I did take more photos and I'll get around to posting them as soon as I get time.
Sorry, but my favorite out of all those phots is by far the Metallic Pea family truckster .
Those Jeeps are just not my style. Although I'm sure they're typical of most 4 wheel drives at that show.

Thank you for posting up pictures from the show. Greatly appriciated.


I was only there at the show on Tuesday (and about an hour yesterday morning) so thanks for all these detail shots on the cool things you've been working on. That's the heart of the show that seems to be missing these days - so many just concentrate on the over-the-top builds.

SeaSucker is a company that seems to be a lot of the suction cup mount stuff in recent years.

Thanks for all the photos and keep 'em coming!

Todd Z.


Expedition Leader
I was only there at the show on Tuesday (and about an hour yesterday morning) so thanks for all these detail shots on the cool things you've been working on. That's the heart of the show that seems to be missing these days - so many just concentrate on the over-the-top builds.

SeaSucker is a company that seems to be a lot of the suction cup mount stuff in recent years.

Thanks for all the photos and keep 'em coming!

Todd Z.
Thanks for the nice words.

The first time I attended the SEMA Show (2010) I was just a wide-eyed spectator but with each succeeding year I end up doing more work at the show and these days I don't really have time to see the whole thing. The good news is that I don't need to see the South Hall at all (shop equipment) and a few other areas so I don't just wander around everywhere.

It's still a lot of fun for me... I just do the design and consulting work as a hobby and doing things with a growing list of companies is a great creative outlet for me.

Took this photo a few minutes ago, Rob Jarrell from Quadratec stopped by to do some video of the MORryde/Overland Outfitters products. He's trying out folding up the suction-mount table while taking a video of it...



Trying to escape the city
Great pictures! I used to only know Sema as the place for tuner cars.... now I can see it is that and so much more. One day I'll have to make it there. Are there token times for journalists and vloggers to make the rounds without attendees or is it just a come as you are whenever?


Expedition Leader
Great pictures! I used to only know Sema as the place for tuner cars.... now I can see it is that and so much more. One day I'll have to make it there. Are there token times for journalists and vloggers to make the rounds without attendees or is it just a come as you are whenever?
If you're interested in seeing what's at the show, you can walk the floor virtually on the SEMA Show web site: Jeep, offroad and trucks are mostly in the West Hall.

As far as I know, the only people allowed inside the exhibit halls outside of show hours are those with Exhibitor badges - people whose companies are exhibiting at the show. Everyone else is only allowed in during show hours.

I don't know what credentials you need to provide in order to get a badge, as a SEMA Member my badge approval is automatic. They've been getting more strict in the past few years though, for example even though I'm a member if I want to get my wife a Spouse badge I have to provide our marriage certificate in order for them to approve her badge. I've heard that some categories of badges require submitting pay stubs proving employment in the auto industry. I don't know what's required for journalists of any type, you'll have to check.


Expedition Leader
This is a shot of the cool suction mount that may end up being the final choice for the table (and some other suction-mount ideas I have). Notice the switch on the side - this mount has a vacuum pump inside to create the suction. There's also a pressure sensor inside and if it ever detects a drop in suction, the pump turns on to reestablish the suction. Next to the switch is an LED that shows when the pump is on, when the battery is low, etc. Very cool.


A few more Jeeps, some products and some ideas.

These were in the Crown booth:



For those who want to sleep in their Jeep, consider a Pittman Airbedz:


Rockslide Engineering was showing this cargo box that mounts on an HD spare carrier. I like the idea but would be concerned about the weight hanging off the back.


Another storage box idea, this one for the later Wranglers. It bolts to the side of the hardtop, covering the side window.



Two companies were showing inflatable pickup caps. They're surprisingly rigid and I was wondering how the idea might adapt to Jeep hardtops. The sealing around the doors would be more complicated than just sealing to the top of a pickup bed, but it should be possible.




More stuff to come...

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