Check out Dr Aaron @ RoversOutEast
He deals mostly in budget D90s but has the occasional Series. No experience personally but his trucks get mixed reviews (as in many positive, some negative) so do your due dilligence.
Dale has a sweatshop of eBay and CraigsList monkeys under his employ (or so it seems) so always check in with him when buying any kind of Rover, lol classifieds has Series. There was a GORGEOUS SIII on there recently with a Cummins swap. Out of your price range but keep on eye on that site.
He deals mostly in budget D90s but has the occasional Series. No experience personally but his trucks get mixed reviews (as in many positive, some negative) so do your due dilligence.
Dale has a sweatshop of eBay and CraigsList monkeys under his employ (or so it seems) so always check in with him when buying any kind of Rover, lol classifieds has Series. There was a GORGEOUS SIII on there recently with a Cummins swap. Out of your price range but keep on eye on that site.