Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

the kid

Juke Box Hero
im doing it via my laptop, i dont know how you would do that from a smart phone... as its a matter of clicking and selecting all in the BB code and copy and pasting... and im not sure some of those options are available in a mobile setting


Expedition Leader
one step closer to being more expo ready



Thornton Melon's Kid
I know a few that are in love with Yueng. My bro-in-law will bring some to me when he comes up from VA (Due here a couple weeks before Christmas). Its OK but I like my craft brewery IPAs much more. If I am drinking a more common beer its Labatt Blue, a Sam Adams or Leinienkugel variety or PBR. Sometimes Miller Lite with the wife.

Which reminds me. My growler is empty.


Expedition Leader
Toyotech - Are you doing the rear metal work, or a shop? Any shop name for us?
Looks great and I want similar for my 5thgen!

i wish i was doing all the fab work. i already had the bumper and was able to find Billy from Brute Force Fab about adding duel swing outs. he looked at my bumper and said sure. he is local to me in Fresno, CA. he has a website and mainly builds for 1st and 2nd gen tacoma. i think he is a vendor on taco world. he does like to do custom jobs and im sure he wouldnt mind hooking you up with what you have in mind. great guy to work with and his work is top notch



New member
L.E.D. light bar installed and 285/75/17's. It's amazing how much light the L.E.D.'s provide. It makes my high-beams pale in comparison; best single purchase (besides the VHF) to date for commuting on the Forest Service Roads:


L.E.D. light bar installed and 285/75/17's. It's amazing how much light the L.E.D.'s provide. It makes my high-beams pale in comparison; best single purchase (besides the VHF) to date for commuting on the Forest Service Roads:

Have any pics of it at night? I've been looking for some better lighting for my Tundra.

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