Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.


L.E.D. light bar installed and 285/75/17's. It's amazing how much light the L.E.D.'s provide. It makes my high-beams pale in comparison; best single purchase (besides the VHF) to date for commuting on the Forest Service Roads:

Is that lifted, or just the bigger tires?


L.E.D. light bar installed and 285/75/17's. It's amazing how much light the L.E.D.'s provide. It makes my high-beams pale in comparison; best single purchase (besides the VHF) to date for commuting on the Forest Service Roads:

How's your 2.7 handling the lift and tires? I have the same truck so I'm just wondering. It looks awesome! Thanks!


New member
You are right, I have a 3" lift. Until last week I was running 285/70/17 Cooper STT's on my truck and just upgraded to the 285/75/17's. I will have to do some trimming for the new tires, but so far they (and the truck) are performing well.
TacomaJack, the 2.7 has handled everything that I have thrown at it. I live in Northern BC in an extremely isolated village. I live almost 800km from a major centre, 600km of which are logging roads. I live in the Rocky Mountain Trench, so the terrain is varied, lots of hills and grades and the road is twisty. Spring and fall are extremely wet and muddy and the winter brings lots of snow. I have had the truck at near maximum capacity and it hasn't skipped a beat. I regularly tow with it as well. I have not re-geared and the only time I felt like I wish I had was when I was stopped on an incline and then had to continue driving. At that time I was loaded down with my trailer, skidoo and canopy full of stuff. That trip I drove from Vancouver to the village, about 1600km without incident. I'm able to pass on the highway and although I have to be smarter about my gear changes, there was never a time I had to have more power. Two summers ago I made a roadtrip from Vancouver up past the arctic circle on the Dempster highway. I drove about 9000km and averaged 11.2L/100km. I had a canopy, sleeping platform, all my gear, two spares, 50L of extra fuel and 25L of water. To me, that's pretty decent mileage and that's with the lift and 33's.
Hope that helps. To me, the 2.7L is a fantastic engine and the Tacoma a great truck.
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Uncle Beer


New winch?


246 ft lbs

I was working on your conversion to see if it matched closely to my mileage, and yours came out to 28 mpg. I believe I read your post to say 11.2km per L not the other way around which would suck for gas mileage. Could you clarify?



About time I posted on this thread, looking to get out a lot more next summer.

00 Factory locker, Supercharged, TRD exhaust, Toytec lift, Outdoor Logic bumper & sliders, Engo winch, VisionX LED Light bar and LED floods, a/d/s amp & speakers, Infinity Sub, Pioneer touch dvd head unit, Inverter, LED interior lights, tail lights, HID headlights, Husky liners, Wet Okole seat covers, Cascadia RTT, Baja Rack, Jaos spoiler

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