thanks guys I had a great spotter on that trip Bill Burke talked us through that obstacle and then spotted it . the sad part is the FJ40 that went after me rolled endo on it when his engine died and the wheels basically locked up in gear. luckily no one was hurt and we all learned a very valuable lesson about brake application on steep down hills.
Bill Burke is really good at what he does from participating in the Camel Trophy to guiding to being a International 4wd trainers Association Master Trainer.
I am really looking forward to training under him again this May in Moab.
Here's a few. I recognize a lot of guys here from other forums. But for those who dont know me or I don't know: HI! :sombrero:
On the way home this past January.
Eureka Tent. Made to fit on the back of an SUV, got it from my dad. It is good for high wind camping. Point your truck into the wind, and secure it.
2 years ago.
Broken axle shaft while driving in Baja. Bussed home 10 hours and drove back the following week. Truck was still there!
And my 1966 Fj40. Good for expeditions to the liquor store.
I love this setup, straight axle, good tent, and a great setup. This is how I want mine to get in a few years.
I stand corrected, that thing is huge for IFS though...
See, now I've gotta contact 4WDTO magazine cause I don't remember getting that issue, missed it somehow...maybe between renewals, dang it!
March/April 2009, right?
6" Trailmaster DB