originally had just the Midland all-in-the-hand CB mounted on a Panavise bracket using a universal cell-phone button clip as a hanger. the CB has no other box or anything needed, it just runs to the antenna connetor and a extra cig lighter plugin that i added inside the center console to keep the wiring clean:
over time, the CB moved to the left, the HAM mic was added on the right, and more junk was added above it all:
the Kenwood HAM control panel is up high, and the main portion of it is mounted inside the knee panel under the steering column:
the speaker for the HAM was a Kendwood auxiliary speaker, cut open and glued to to the panel just below the speedo on the left of the steering wheel. a hole was drilled in the panel and the speaker grill was re-used behind the hole. this means that all HAM sounds come mainly into my left ear and all CB sound comes mainly into my right ear and that helps me not get confused as to what is what when people start talking.
the flexible whip style with base-tunable-coil CB antenna and Diamond HAM antenna are both mounted on stainless steel tabs which are screwed into the body inside the tail-light cavities:
the CB side used to have a spring and Firefly antenna before i switched to just a whip style. i still use and like the low-profile Fire-ring connector/cable:
i used the Diamond Antenna brand UHF style connector/cable for the HAM (it's very small high quality cable and i still use that little cap it came with to keep water out when i remove the antenna for car washes):
here's how the tabs attach:
and i actually dremelled out my taillights so that they still could sit perfectly level (not required, they will just cock a little sideways to fit the tab):
i just followed existing cables on the passenger side for the CB cable (then under the passenger seat into the center console):
the HAM cable does the same thing, but stays on the drivers side all the way to the front knee-panel where the radio is.
well that's my whole comm setup, hopefully gives some ideas to others. my only issue is sometimes a really low branch will catch an antenna near it's base and bend a tab down a bit, but i just bend it back up and it's all good. i'm sure after another 100 times or so they might get weak and break, but it's a pretty rare occurrence actually.