SilicaRich's Overland TJ Rubicon Build


Yea, it's should most def. be included in any type of alignment (otherwise the alignment would normally make the steering wheel crooked anyways)


Wandering Inverted
So I got the alignment done yesterday, that's all good. However, I still need to recenter the axles. For some reason I thought they would do that when they did the alignment but that was me being ignorant. Now realize that I probably did the alignment all for nothing, joy.

Regardless, based on how the axles are shifted it appears the front track bar needs to be shortened and the rear track bar I think lengthened. Probably will have to play with it a bit and watch a few more videos when this all goes down.


My alignment included track bar adjustment and all 8 control arms adjusted. I'd go back and complain, sounds like someone didn't want/didn't know to make those adjustments...


Wandering Inverted
My alignment included track bar adjustment and all 8 control arms adjusted. I'd go back and complain, sounds like someone didn't want/didn't know to make those adjustments...
That's kind what I started to think. The guy kept saying we are not liable for it or something like that and that they didn't have the proper measurements to do that kind of work. Said I would need to take it to a 4 wheel drive place. The guy already seemed irritated so I didn't bother trying to fight it although I likely should have. Feel like I got ripped off and kind of want to go back and complain but I think if I do, I plan to bring the big guns
What's the full extended measurement of your bilstiens?

That's something I don't know right off hand. I'll probably have to pull the numbers and research it since I already have them buttoned up and ready to throw on Craigslist


New member
For the actual front wheel alignment, YOU can do it very, very easily. I pull my wife out to the garage to hold one side of the tape measure...and she isn't out there more than ten minutes. Which means the alignment takes all of that. This is the writeup I used:


My dad has done many alignments himself like the link above. It works for him...but I'm not sure how it works since he never keeps anything long enough to know for sure.


That's kind what I started to think. The guy kept saying we are not liable for it or something like that and that they didn't have the proper measurements to do that kind of work. Said I would need to take it to a 4 wheel drive place. The guy already seemed irritated so I didn't bother trying to fight it although I likely should have. Feel like I got ripped off and kind of want to go back and complain but I think if I do, I plan to bring the big guns

That's something I don't know right off hand. I'll probably have to pull the numbers and research it since I already have them buttoned up and ready to throw on Craigslist

If you can, let me know what they are...I might be interested. I know mine are a little short for what lift I have. I don't flex out really so it's not a big deal, but if I can get a used set for a fair price I'd consider it.


Wandering Inverted
Went ahead and called in the big guns, got refunded because the place I took it to admitted they screwed me over. I have it currently at a trusted mechanic that does work on my dad's company trucks and should have it back sometime today. Only reason I didn't go here first is because it's a 35 minute haul and was trying to get it done close to my house.

In the meantime, my dad let me steal his truck for the day:smiley_drive:


Wandering Inverted
If you can, let me know what they are...I might be interested. I know mine are a little short for what lift I have. I don't flex out really so it's not a big deal, but if I can get a used set for a fair price I'd consider it.

I'll send you a PM


Glad you got your money back and glad you're getting it done. Everyone is doing what they can to make a buck now a days and justify it.
I'll be waiting for your PM, no rush.


Wandering Inverted
Alright, so everything checked out with the alignment with one exception. The rear axle was not completely centered, still a .5"+ to the driver's side. When I mentioned it to our guy, he said he didn't touch it since according to his machine it was right on the dot based on the graphs. Well I trusted him, thought nothing more of it until an hour later I received a phone call from my mechanic. He said if you want, bring back the Jeep anytime tomorrow and we can pull that rear axle over a bit and keep it within the limits free of charge. Said it was bothering him since I left so he felt he did me wrong and wanted to get it done right. So tomorrow I'll be making a small detour while before going to another post Op for my surgery and get everything all back to normal:)

And I know I promised more pics so I'll find time tomorrow and do a little photoshoot showing off the goods.


Sweet. That's the sign of a humble mechanic--someone who can admit defeat, lol. And someone with common sense.


Wandering Inverted
Well everything is officially realigned and back to normal now. So far I am loving the OME suspension, it is on the stiffer side but knew that going in. That should only improve once it finishes it's break period. Otherwise it handles very sporty with practically no body, all most like I'm not even driving a Jeep:Wow1:. Only thing left related to the lift that will need to be done but isn't a major issue at the moment is the transfer case drop from the former lift that should be removed. Again, I'm in no hurry to remove it due to it not causing any problems besides posing a threat to be hung up on a curb when mall crawling;) and will make sure I don't need shorter bolts once I remove the spacers.

And as promised, here is that mediocre photoshoot

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