Wandering Inverted
Yeah I'm about to head out and buy more wire regardless but I'm favoring the direct hook up to the battery over everything else. It might be the lengthier route, but i don't trust myself trying to splice into another source. Now I have to figure out the best way to run the wires and retain a "clean" look. The wire is like 12-14 gauge right?When I wired up my Cobra 75wx I didn't have enough wire to reach my battery also. I just used more of the same gauge wire and connected directly to the battery. I am currently adding a lot of aux lighting (rock lights, rear backup lights, fog and spot lights) and cleaning up my wiring by installing a Switch-Pros switch system. I would highly suggest that system if you ever add anymore lights to your rig.
I think buying more wire and connecting to the battery is my best option. Just eliminates the chance of me screwing up the wiring of more than just the CB.I aired mine to the fuse box behind the glove box. I put it in the radio fuse that way it works on either accessory or on but I can't accidentally leave it on and kill my battery. If your cb automatically reverts to ch19 like mine does, it's kinda a pain to keep reseting the channel every time you turn the engine off but it works well for me. You could also wire it to a hot fuse (dome light or horn maybe?), but just be sure to turn your radio off. Wording it to the battery works too, my lights go to the battery. If you don't have a heat gun use the crimp connectors to lengthen the wires. Way better than twisting and electrical taping haha
Thanks for the responses!