Simple kind of van, a 2006 e150 build thread.

well, the van sat all week since i had to work on other peoples cars (gotta pay the bills)

fridays we shut down at 4pm, so i spent about 1.5 hours prepping it for tomorrows surgery.

removed the front of the van, so the engine can come out the front. went pretty quick and easy, no stripped/rounded bolts, nothing stuck, came apart right nice.


got the van all up in the air, the back of it hit the shops lights, so i had to wait for help to help tie them back to the wall area so the van could lift the rest of the way


the victim, err cause, I'm the damn victim here.


dropped the exhaust, this was a bear, didnt wanna slip apart easily at the Y pipe, and i didnt wanna cut it, so we dropped it as one piece and removed it from the van, only to be re fitted back into the van for storage, so i don't take up much shop space during the week


trans is out and on the bench, no junk in the pan, a little goo on the magnet, i think I'm just gunna add a drain plug to the pan, and put it all back in, a little funk around the extension housing, might pop that off and seal it up, replace front and rear seals.


she's out, i say she, cuz only a woman can give ya this much dang trouble. the old adage goes, if its got wheels or a skirt, it'll give ya problems.


on the engine stand, popped the valve covers off, looks good inside, a slight mist/sweat from the right rear head, no signs of coming from above, or below it, so while I'm this far, I'm gunna pull the heads off, check the valves, do head gaskets, exhaust manifold gaskets, etc, hope to only be in this thing, this one time.

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brings me to my next question, the driveshaft.

i plan on sending it out for new u-joints, but it was TIGHT between the tail shaft of the trans, and the differential flange, looks like the slip yolk was stuffed ALL the way into the flange. i think i may have it shortened 3/4" so i won't be so stuffed. i mean, it was TIGHT. and you could see where it was riding on a different part of the slip yolk likely before the lift went on.

anyone care to chime in on this??


'00 E350SD PSD
Denny's Driveshaft does quality work and I agree...3/4 sounds good but they will run you through it over the phone as well and can provide good information. Good luck!
got into the shop early 6:30 this morning, sunday.

zipped off the timing cover, everything actually looks pretty great, but its all getting replaced anyways, has had a VERY intermittent timing chain noise at cold start, about one in 20 starts, so while I'm in there, its getting all new chains, guides, tensioners, and gears


took off the oil pan, looks nice in there, not gunna pull any bearing caps, with the condition inside the motor (CLEAN) i don't see a reason to.


i sat and pondered, do i pull the heads, or let it ride, could i trust it? will it be reliable, do i wanna do all this work all over again in 6 months if something were to happen, that answer was NOPE!, so, off with its head(s)





thats it for today, cleaned up the oil pan, the valve covers, stuck the timing cover and oil filter adapter piece in the solvent to soak overnight, packed all my stuff in the van, and its ready for the next step.

tomorrow the heads/cams will go to the machine shop for a checkout, whatever is necessary will be done.

thanks for reading.
Well, engine is off to machine shop, gunna get rebuilt, new pistons, rod and main bearings, and returned to me as a long block.

Had a few pits/corrosion in the deck of the block and these MLS baskets need baby *** smooth sealing surfaces to work right. I guess it'll be better in the long run and solid. Just a shame to have to do at 88k miles.


Also, THANKS for the shocks. Sooooo much better on washboard roads than it used to be. Fresh graded dirt is like carpet now. Freeway speeds on the mellower sections this week in DV. I was doing drifts on the Fish Lake Valley road out of the park this morning, giggling away.

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