Sirocco Overland 2013 Expedition: UK - Vladivostok (Siberia) Adventure




New member
Once in a lifetime adventure and awesome pics to boot. Just set here and read the entire thing.:coffee: Keep going, looking forward to more.


We left Severobaikalsk for Ust-Kut to get the freight barge down the Lena River. Leaving the GPS running this took 4 days and nearly 1000km. We reached Lensk and later Mirny.

We were warned by the Russians on the barge to be wary of the Local Yakutsk people as they were 'drunk' and 'crazy' liked guns and other scary stuff. As usual we tried to dismiss this. But after 3 days and making friends they were adamant it was a problem. They said to only stop in truck stops and for a few hours but basically keep driving (its 1400km on dirt/gravel roads!). So we left Lensk at 2000hrs heading north towards Mirny. As the sun was setting we were looking for somewhere to wildcamp out of town when my side window exploded. Completely shattered. showered in glass I kept driving. There was no easy explanation, we take knocks on the windscreen all the time from passing trucks, cars etc. Heard a few clinks on metal barriers from stones flicked up by us, but the side window? Instantly we thought we had been targeted. So we drove all night to get to Mirny where we phoned a friend from the barge, it was 3am by this point and the local police had started to talk to us. When we told them what happened they said they would put the truck in the police lock-up and we could stay with them and fix the window later on. Long story short the police took great care of us (told us it was a stone that smashed the window) got the window fixed, taken around town, out for lunch, free service of the landy by the diamond mine, taken to the zoo, interviewed for the local news, given 150L of diesel (free), got a big cake for my birthday and generally well looked after and not spent a penny in 5 days!

From Mirny we took the only road to Yakutsk, the one we were warned about. We didn't see anyone drunk (unlike Mongolia and the Altai) everyone was super friendly and great.

We made it to Yakutsk, After 4 nights on the Vil. Trakt from Mirny (1150km) in pouring rain, big sand pits and mosquito carnage we arrived 2 nights ago.
We towed a few cars through the sand, wore all our brake pads to the metal and generally camped in misery. The sun is out here in Yakutsk though and we have dried everything out, aired the roof tent, replaced all the brake pads, swapped around the tyres and fixed a handful of minor niggles along with a good clean out. We met up with Ed, a Canadian on 2 wheels (BMW X-challenge) and wouldn't have found our £20/night guest house without him! Will hopefully post a few things up shortly. We timelapsed the last 4 days driving with 4 ferry/barge/river crossings so that should be interesting for future posting.

Only 2000km from Magadan now and the road seems to be closed around Susaman. Hopefully we can find out more shortly and leave in a day or two as the weather is looking better up here.

We have the video for the news interview so hopefully can post that shortly.


Dirty Blonde
Wow, that's quite the story. Glad you two were treated well by the local police and no injuries sustained. Congrats for a belated birthday!


What a shock-police being nice and not taking advantage-awesome. I usually find the poorer towns and people have more heart. All the poorest I know will never let you go without feeding you a meal.


Been a while!

we made it to Magadan!


For those who do not know Magadan marks the furthest point east on the Eurasian continent via road. The road was predominantly build by Gulag prisoners out of the port town toward the gold and diamond mines in Russia's far north east. From Yakutsk it is the only road and took us 6 days to complete the 2000km stretch of unsealed road. The weather on the outbound part was good but on our return it turned cold with some frozen ground and snow. We did leave it quite late in the season after our attempt on the BAM.



It was worth the trek for the photos.

We looked at the challenge of the old summer road which follows the true line of the road of bones but we felt it may have been too much for a single vehicle and just us two. The decision was then taken out of our hands when the fuel station at the turn off to Tomtor ran out of fuel! We waited till the next day but at 1300hrs had to make a decision. We managed to get 30L of diesel out of some construction workers which got us back down towards the Aldan River and another resupply stop.

Not only had the BAM eluded us, but now the old summer road also :(

More to come...


Congratulations! So when you look at the Google Earth image in post one, and see that wriggly red line, how does it feel now you are at the right hand end? I have one of your 'stan photo's as one of my wallpapers. Sitting down here, it (your route) still has a great draw to me. I've recently finished reading about Colebatch and his two buddies riding the BAM. Siberia probably isn't high on most peoples list of holiday destinations, but what an incredible place.
So now back to Vlad and then south, or has the plan changed since page one?


Congratulations! So when you look at the Google Earth image in post one, and see that wriggly red line, how does it feel now you are at the right hand end? I have one of your 'stan photo's as one of my wallpapers. Sitting down here, it (your route) still has a great draw to me. I've recently finished reading about Colebatch and his two buddies riding the BAM. Siberia probably isn't high on most peoples list of holiday destinations, but what an incredible place.
So now back to Vlad and then south, or has the plan changed since page one?

Hey Bill,

Its been a while since last updating. We hammered down to vlad (blowing 2 koni rear shocks in the process) to get cleaned and containered before our visa ran out. We spent 2 weeks in vlad cleaning everything but eventually the external jetwash failed us. We just couldnt get it clean. It all went in 40ft in the end with 6 bikes and its on its way.

1st we flew to Hong Kong to see a friend from uni and then the cheapest place to fly and live, Indonesia marking country number 25

So we are passing time here on Bali until our container arrives on the 5th Dec. We will pick up in Melbourne, fix and repair everything, get jobs for a bit and save $$$. Eventually we hope to spend 4-5 months doing a lap of aus, so that will be the next installment.

Will get more photos up when i find a real computer. Facebook is still leading the waycwith updated off our phone and new tablet

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DSC06702 - Copy (480x640).jpgFrom Siberia to Bali. And then the land of Oz. You certainly will get all the extremes. If New Zealand gets on your list of countries to visit give us a shout. We have a Land Drover friendly camping and repair facility!


View attachment 193694From Siberia to Bali. And then the land of Oz. You certainly will get all the extremes. If New Zealand gets on your list of countries to visit give us a shout. We have a Land Drover friendly camping and repair facility!

I'm sure we will make it over at some point but probably not with a vehicle due to extra shipping costs :-( I have a 12 month workinf visa to see out in Aus and hope to get temp residency before that expires. allowing me to import the vehicle and do away with the dreaded Carnet. Its all a bit up in the air though as we are not tied to anything or anywhere in particular. we are free to a degree, with our only constraint being funds and the law :)

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