Skersfan's build for Old Sarge, May 2012...


Doesn't Get Out Enough
More pics,,, Come on Bob! That blue does grab the eye..

How is it that one of the most impatient members on ExPo is the owner of the Turtle Build...:sombrero:

Just kidding, of course. We're all very interested in Bob's rate of progress these days. In his defense I would point out that he's only human, but he does have those new knees... Though I never tried welding with my knees before. Can't be easy.


I would think that if he could weld with his knees he should be more into the Circus act..
But then again isnt that life? My build is becoming too slow..I have lost interest for the time being.
Family and all before the build..:)


Doesn't Get Out Enough
05/26... Built most of the walls this morning, but realized I do not have enough 1x2 steel, have to pick it up as I want to have the frame rhino lined on Tuesday. - Bob




Doesn't Get Out Enough
Later that night...

05/26 @11:24pm PST... Walls have been welded on, two upper crossmembers are in. Waiting on front window measurements for front cross members, also need 1x2 steel for main cross members and AC support. Eyelets are for towing in case it is needed from the side. Chains are on and jack. Will wait on cutting the jack as Old Sarge is using 33 inch tires. Have not done one with that size so we may have to make some changes when his tires arrive. Still need to figure out water tank mounting for holding tank.

This will be the last trailer with 28 gallons of water on board, notified yesterday that they have not found a mold for a 35 gallon single tank, so we will go up to 41 gallons on board. Not a big deal, but it is cheaper than running two tanks and less chance of leakage.

I should finish up all welding tomorrow other than the upper 1x2 and expanded metal. Will pick up both Tuesday morning and hope to have the trailer to Rhino Liner by early afternoon. Will be able to start the flooring once the frame is lined.

Plan to work on wiring on Monday and have the whole wiring loom built. This trailer will have back up lights in the door. All electrics will run through PD4000 series Power Control center, manufactured by Progressive Dynamics. This will do away with the fuse blocks used in my trailer. Never any problems, but this unit will control all electrics with breakers for all 110, such as AC, Fridge, Microwave.

I have a windmill coming in from Sundyne. I maybe able to mount it to a pole that the trailer sets on its base. This is still in the future.

This trailer will have the Foxwing awning, so have to pick up a Rhino Rack for it. Trying to work out a deal with them for roof racks and boxes. The Foxwing will cover the entire passenger side of the trailer and the back. I am very excited about it.

Long day, so headed to bed. You're about all up to date. - Bob








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Doesn't Get Out Enough
05/27... Still working on the welding of the upper frame. Have the water heater framework started, also the wiring compartment, another cross member, that will be X top and bottom once the water tanks arrive.

All welds are completed front, back and sides.

I reinterate, there is not an off road trailer on the market that is in the slightest competitive with this trailer, nothing stronger, anywhere, any time or any place. I have drug mine on trails the others would never even consider and beat the heck out of it. This is the production trailer and it is stronger than mine.

I made a change to the lower frame, in that I ran 3/4 inch angle iron along the base of the wall frame. The wall will drop into this rail and it will be filled with Pl4000, that will seal the bottom of the wood and make a strong enough bond that the whole trailer could be lifted by one side.

My goal is to build 9-10 a year, nothing more. That way I can keep the quality, the strength and improvements coming. I am showing a lot on this build, but most would never even attempt a job like this, so I have little worries of people copying me. Should begin on the wiring tomorrow if I finish up all the welding I can do today. - Bob







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What will be the estimated weight with this trailer? What will be towing it? Is this meant to be parked at camp or be taken thru trails??



I believe the trailer will go anywhere that it's towing rig is capable. Bob has pictures and videos around here.


Supporting Sponsor
This trailer has done John Bull, Carvacre, Kokopelli and many many more. It will go anywhere the tow vehicle can pull it. It weighs just over 2000 pounds, may be a little heavier than the prototype, due to this is going on single person expedition to Alaska.

I have towed mine close to 14,000 miles since last August. Not a single failure, these are designed to last a lifetime of use..

I have towed it at 100mph with my dually, 85 with my FJ. Its center of gravity is so low and spread it is virtually impossible to tip over, I have seen the rear wheels leave the ground once. Running about 60mph on a flat road on Kokopellie, hit a ditch, the truck and trailer went about 4 foot in the air bounced 45 degrees to the left, I could see clearly underneath looking in the side mirror, hit the ground went straight, and not a single break, crack or broken part any where, even the wall mounted TV stayed in place.

They are designed to be the best base camp trailer made, but strong enough to go whereever you want to drag it. On Carvacer trail there were bets made as to how far it would make on the trail, most had it rolling in less than two hundred yards, it went the whole 16 miles, with the wheels never leaving the ground. You can see some of the trail on the website, PM me if you would like to see it in operation.

Plus the pricing is the most reasonable on the market period.


Doesn't Get Out Enough
06/04... Here is the frame after taking it on its first run. I did about 75MPH with it and it worked perfectly. This one will have a little more tongue weight than mine I think. I calculated it out as close as possible. The overall frame is two inches longer, but the box is the same. I gave it a slight bumper by centering the back wall in the middle of the 4x4 rear bumper. Pictures included of the Restava 8inch memory foam mattress, Shurflo pump and the Coleman AC. Still no water tanks!!!!! - Bob














Doesn't Get Out Enough
More progress, more news...

06/05... A lot of stuff today so far, water tanks arrived as did the doors, these are top of the line doors from Hehr. I will be using these doors on all trailers forward. Vastly superior to what is on the prototype. I finished up the spare holder as it has to go to rhino lining today. Put a high lift attachment on it. I also built it so in case down the road you wanted to go to 35's you will only have to move the attachment point up. Will finish setting water tanks, and then off to painter. I am moving all water to the passenter side to help off set the battery, also all wiring will run down that inner rail protected by 1 1/2 angle iron, I also ran it through the main tube as you can see the pigtail connecting box and then the hole directly behind it. I had planned on welding all electrical boxes but it will cause problems with sliding the walls in so I will have to give that some thought.

I have decided I am only building 8-9 of these a year. I spoke with my investor yesterday and he will invest if I want to grow to a larger operation. But being older, and with a wife who wants to go camping and travel around, anything more will put that on hold. She is not ready for that, and honestly I am not either.

I am going to concentrate and building the best Tear Drop offroad trailer available, using only top of the line product. I will be looking at my pricing and after talking with Kevin he says my prices should far more than the wood trailers. I am not a greedy person but will look into what he says. He is not a billionaire by not knowing business. I will honor my commitment to the stated price for the first 5 trailers, but I would expect a healthy price increase after those have been built.

Hope to start putting this baby together this week yet. Depends on the fiber glass now. - Bob














Well-known member
Nice framework! Are you linking all the water tanks together? Nice doors, they look similar to the ones we used from Vintage Technologies. Looking good as always, and I think 8 a year would be plenty and still leave you with fun time to spend.


Supporting Sponsor
I used the vintage technologies on the prototype, these are quite a bit stronger than the one I got from Frank. I saw these on a little guy trailer and liked them, maybe Frank is using them now, not sure. I am really happy with them.

The two in front are the water tanks, the rear is the gray water tank, decided to get the mobile one off the side as their will be a door there now and a tent most likely. This will be the last trailer with two 11 gallon tanks, I am changing to a 35 gallon one that will fit perfectly in the frame, cuts down on cost, and the connectors and cost of spinning them in. Plus far less chance of leaks. The new battery will set on the driver side right behind the axle just above it.. With 10 gallons of propane, 41 gallons of water, 258 amp hours of battery, 55 wat solar panel, you should be able to stay out for weeks in this baby. With the new water tank most of the water will set right over the axle and ahead of it.

Thanks for the nice words Jim, coming from you that means a lot.


I thought I would come over to expo and see a welcome thread, for becoming a supporting sponsor.
I will just congratulate you, here, for taking a big step and wish you much success in your new endeavor. The trailer looks like it's coming together nicely.
I have been and will continue to watch your progress.

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