Skersfan's build for Old Sarge, May 2012...


Doesn't Get Out Enough
Last update from yesterday...

Valuable lesson learned today, never put final framework up before galley wall is installed. Just worked two hours getting the darned thing in there. Cut the counter top. Not a final cut as I still have welding to do above it on the door, but it is in and fits nice. With the light wood and the white all around it is really going to look nice. I am also enclosing the door so no frame is exposed, that should make it look cleaner, all wires will be hidden and bought those white 'run-the-wire-on-the-wall' fixtures so they will really look clean and sexy, lol.

When I built the prototype I put the galley wall in very early, and I know now that is the thing to do. Due to the fight getting it in I may not stain the wall, we will see.

Still need to get to town and buy struts, headed out now. - Bob

More pics to come when work stops taking up all my time - Reid :beer:


Doesn't Get Out Enough







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I am working on this being a little prettier in the kitchen department. The side walls have a protective sheet on them, the back wall will have urethane coating and all of the wood insets will have urethane on them. The galley hatch will have fiberglass on the inside covering all wiring and all other wiring will be run behind wooden insets, so no wires willl be visible. Had planned that on the proto but time ran out.

I spent most of yesterday locating gas struts for the lifting of he back door. Figuring out what is needed and who makes them is like looking for hens teeth. Finally located a Winnebago unit that works, and was able to cross reference to a NAPA product. Have them welded in and will start working on the trailer this afternoon. I am trying to make my own slider for the fridge, as paying 450 bucks for one is beyond belief. I have to find bearings for it, that is the task this morning.

I expect a lot of progress in the next few days, so will get pictures to Old Sarge and Reid. The trailer is coming together nicely.

Thanks for watching it grow.



I'm sure you're well aware of them; but McMaster-Carr is a great source for the stuff you're talking about (gas struts and drawer slides) ... not the cheapest, but they have great turn-around and stellar selection (plus they also sell in bulk).

Main Page -
Gas Struts -
End Fittings/Brackets -
Drawer Slides - (don't forget to check out the other options under 'additional slides' on the left)


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Thanks for the site skibum I will add to my favorites.

I found the struts from the manufacturer and will buy them there after this.. Napa costs 68 bucks for the pair, 36 buck from the manufacter.

I am not into slides on drawers on off road trailers, for them to work and keep working for a long period the way I use my trailer, I am afraid I would have more in slides than I do the trailer. Their are companines that make them very strong, for ambulances and fire vehicles, but they even have a short life span. Dragging these things people are capable of dragging them, I just just do not want them in my trailer if I can avoid them.

On the two layer trailer mentioned above, it increases the weight I am sure, raises the center of gravity, one of the main reasons I do not like building the box trailers. These are not for camping in the KOA or at trail head, these are to be drug out of civilization and lived in for days or weekds for that matter. I know my market is not the normal, but it is the market I went after with this trailer.

But I will start to look at a more NF campground type of build, but it will be down the road a piece I am sure. I have too many hours in design and research to start changing this one.


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Actually got quite a bit done today, should be on the board tomorrow. Back is hurting, so I am calling it a night for at least a little while. Knees are aching so a little Vicodin and I will be ready to rock in roll in an hour or so.

Cut the holes for the water heater door, shower, water intet, finished the counter top other than silicone, installed faucet and sink, installed stove. Will pull driver side wood off tomorrow and do wiring from there, hope to get a good amount of it done tomorrow, also need to build a bracket for the giant battery. Work is never done I have found, still things to do on mine.

Thanks Craig, I appreciate your comments a lot.


Doesn't Get Out Enough
Update from last night...

Got the door locks made, the rear door frame painted, and built the battery lock down system. That was about it for today. - Bob








Myself, I just want to know if Bob intends to continue his 'floral motif' in all future builds.
It will surely contribute to the trailer's high S.A.F. rating (Spousal Acceptance Factor) :coffeedrink:

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