Thanks for the site skibum I will add to my favorites.
I found the struts from the manufacturer and will buy them there after this.. Napa costs 68 bucks for the pair, 36 buck from the manufacter.
I am not into slides on drawers on off road trailers, for them to work and keep working for a long period the way I use my trailer, I am afraid I would have more in slides than I do the trailer. Their are companines that make them very strong, for ambulances and fire vehicles, but they even have a short life span. Dragging these things people are capable of dragging them, I just just do not want them in my trailer if I can avoid them.
On the two layer trailer mentioned above, it increases the weight I am sure, raises the center of gravity, one of the main reasons I do not like building the box trailers. These are not for camping in the KOA or at trail head, these are to be drug out of civilization and lived in for days or weekds for that matter. I know my market is not the normal, but it is the market I went after with this trailer.
But I will start to look at a more NF campground type of build, but it will be down the road a piece I am sure. I have too many hours in design and research to start changing this one.