Skersfan's build for Old Sarge, May 2012...


Doesn't Get Out Enough











Doesn't Get Out Enough
From Wednesday, 06/20 - Working on finishing up wiring. Finished painting interior frame. Wired fridge in for 110VAC/12VDC. Cut holes for stereo mounting, 110VAC and 12VDC outlets. Wired and connected outside outlet on driver's side.

Headed to town for a 5-1/8 inch hole saw to cut in the speakers. Will wire them up, but I'll hold off on the final attachment of the walls until I find outdoor lights. Plan to pick up fiberglass in the morning and I'm hoping that Eclipse has the same lights as I used before. I had wanted to change to using all LED's throughout the build, but it does not appear that is going to happen. Still, with the killer battery it will have little affect. - Bob




Aspen Trails Trailers

Supporting Sponsor
I can carry it on the roof rack, fits no problem, the fox wing poles will end up in the oz tent bag though.

Just got back with the fiber glass, and the out door lights, will cut them in tonight and hope to get passenger side glass on. I will keep you posted. Doubt I will be selling many in OZ.

Price on the fiberglass went up as everything has in the last year. Going to have to sharpen the pencil on this endeavor it appears.
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Aspen Trails Trailers

Supporting Sponsor
Never heard it called a grasshopper before, never seen a grasshopper trailer that I am aware of.

Are you talking from the ground or from the floor.

The ones I build are just under 84 inches tall at the highest point on the trailer, just over the galley. The inside at its highest point is 54 inches at the wall between the sleeping quarters and the galley.. Now that is with 35 inche tires on it, so deduct tire size from it. It is short enough to do several narrow shelf roads on the Kokopellie trail in Utah. But was at the limit in width on that trail also. My trailer is 80 inches wide at the edge of the fender, but the box is 51.5 inches wide at the top.
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Never heard it called a grasshopper before, never seen a grasshopper trailer that I am aware of.

Are you talking from the ground or from the floor.

The ones I build are just under 84 inches tall at the highest point on the trailer, just over the galley. The inside at its highest point is 54 inches at the wall between the sleeping quarters and the galley.. Now that is with 35 inche tires on it, so deduct tire size from it. It is short enough tod several narrow shelf roads on the Kokopellie trail in Utah. But was at the limit in width on that trail also. My trailer is 80 inches wide at the edge of the fender, but the box is 51.5 inches wide at the top.

I'm asking about the box or wall height. Sorry bout that. Grasshopper design is what they call this over on Teardrops and Tiny Trailers forum..

Aspen Trails Trailers

Supporting Sponsor
Got glass on both sides, will cut doors in the morning and all the openings into the glass, put the roof on tonight and will put the fiber glass on the roof tomorrow nite hopefully. Getting close to the end on this one. May have it done by the end of the weekend with a little luck.


Doesn't Get Out Enough
06/23... I really got a lot done yesterday, buttoning up a lot more today is the plan. Should have all the doors on today and the water heater in working condition electrically, still have the plumbing to do. Connect the water tank to the access door and run vents for all tanks.

Have to remove rear door to put the glass under the hinge, so the rear door will be last to be done. Still have to cut speaker holes for the interior. Wish I had done that before the top went on, but only have help when it is available. Have to pick up trim this afternoon. Got most of it the other day at Eclipse but they do not carry the stuff I need.

Exterior 12-volt plugs came in so should get them done today, two standard ones still needed.

Hope to have the top done by the end of the weekend and have the A/C put up on Monday night. I am looking at mounting the Foxwing awning differently than they are designed for. I do not like how they stick way above the trailer. I'll try to design a bracket to hold it down lower, keeping it more out of the wind I guess. We will see how it turns out. - Bob








Doesn't Get Out Enough





Sorry for the poor picture quality, the camera does not like to take pictures in dark situations.

Cut in all the speaker holes, mounted the exterior ones. Will wire them up tomorrow. Wired in the water pump. Discovered why the 12-volt did not work initaily, I had forgotten the DC ground to the frame. It's all working fine now. - Bob


Doesn't Get Out Enough
From yesterday...









Got the roof on today, AC on top, water system almost done, did speaker wires, and exterior light wires, put in front window.

Done for the night, riding my bike in the morning, and picking up junk to finish up a couple of things. - Bob

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